What was the name of the pub, on the moors, in the film 'An American Werewolf in London'?
Correct answer: The Slaughtered Lamb

movie was so we'll done-i loved how the friend showed up more decayed each time he appeared

This was more of a dark humor horror movie. Not scary like "The Howling".

Great film! Horror and comedy are hard to blend correctly. This film does it.

The werewolf really looked real in it.

Great tounge -in-cheek movie, hilarious!

some of the really good special effects not stop action

was a wonderfull night for a moon dance

Montana Lady
penawareof, then maybe I should see it, I avoid scary movies but enjoy dark humor.

How cool. I just watched this today! Awesome flick

best werewolf movie ever made ,had it all, great special effects for the time and mixed with just the right amount of humor in the movie soundtrack was awesome

Mars V
My first R movie.

Player #66817220
Bjach, yes! I loved how David's hands and feet elongated to match real canine anatomy.

Player #66817220
Radakyl, and especially not CGI. Rick Baker absolutely earned the first-ever Oscar for makeup for that movie!

Jack : It's a full moon...
Jack , David : [remembering the warning they received] Beware the moon...
David : And stick to the road. Oops.
Jack : I vote we go back to the Slaughtered Lamb.

Jack : Did you hear that?
David : I heard that.
Jack : What was it?
David : Could be a lot of things.
Jack : Yeah?
David : A coyote.
Jack : There aren't any coyotes in England.
David : The Hound of the Baskervilles.
Jack : Pecos Bill.
David : Heathcliff.
Jack : Heathcliff didn't howl!
David : No, but he was on the moors.

pub names in the UK and Ireland are so amazing!

Great soundtrack!

penawareof, I agree!!! to me, the howling is the scariest movie I have ever seen. nightmares, ugh!