What athlete once set four world records in 45 minutes?
Correct answer: Jesse Owens

He crushed the nazi idea of white supremacy I bet Hitler was pissed. Total justice. Way to go J.O.

What an athlete!!!!

dini cee, Hitler got mad and walked out of the stadium.

Player #9495659
Owens was the first black person to participate in the Olympics, which took place in Nazi Germany. Hitler was furious that a black man, was allowed to participate. Hitler refused to allow Owens to use any facilities the other players used. I think the worse Owens was treated, the more determined Owens was to excel and win. Hitler was determined to prove the superiority of the Arian race. However, Owens blew the scores of the Arians out of the water. Needless to say Hitler was furious.

Player #3368877
After Jesse came back from Berlin, he still was not allowed to use the front entrance of hotels in NYC.

Player #4645883
awesome, awesome, awesome. after winning these four medals for the United states, they still had the nerve to not allow Jesse the right to walk through the front dr of a hotel n the United states. u can win us medals, but u can't come through the fro t dr of our hotel.

sapphire 007
not only was Hitler's actions egregious when he turned his back and left the arena, America did not honor him at all. he came back to segregation and unemployment!!!

Player #15121014
His achievements are certainly memorable, but when I think of Owen's I think of the 1936 Olympics in Germany and Hitlers insistence, that the Olympics would prove the superiority of the aryan race. The Nazis treated Owen's horribly; nevertheless Owen's stayed incredibly focused and broke record after record; leaving Hitler's aryans in the dust.

Player #4645883, yea you can fight in our wars and die for us but you can't use the same bathrooms as us.

Player #30304101
Awesome athlete! He can win all those medals for the US but can't come through the front door! SMH. I certainly don't understand how the people in the past got the idea they were better than others because of the color or race they were. I'm certainly glad I have always treated everyone the same no matter race, rich, poor, religion ect. I go by how they treat me just as everyone else should do the same.

so amazing, he barely had time to catch his breath

Player #138921113
Player #15121014, Unfortunately, guess which beloved president didn't invite him to the white house?

You say he set the 4 records one year before the Berlin Olympics and later in the copy you say the Olympics were four years later. it has to be just one. Copy needs a fix.

Jesse Owens will never be forgotten.

Player #30304101, Sad isn't it. You eloquently state such a presumably simple concept. "Treat OTHERS as YOU would like to be treated". God Bless you for being an honorable person.

Amazing Athlete, & American!!

Player #30304101, I actually also wonder they got the idea of superiority based on colour of skin...🤔🤔

Chezikeets, hahahahaha!! Indeed 😁

Uninitialized, I'm not black, but I'm proud to be the same human race as this man, and you.

Uninitialized, who had the audacity to give this and the previous comment thumbs down?! Shame on you!

Player #3368877, such a sad commentary of the times

I am not defending Hitler, but the his supposed snub to Jesse Owens is fabrication by the allies, propaganda. It was not normal for him shake hands with medal winners except Germans, as their head of state.

Player #9495659, no ha wasn’t

Chezikeets, my thoughts exactly!

Jim C.
The pride of The Ohio University. To break any record is to be admired. To break four records in 45 minutes is other worldly.

Just Mi-Oh-My 😇
I knew it was Jessie as this story was always told to me by my parents still my finger clicked on Jackie 😏

Player #62752956
Player #9495659, Owens was not the first black person to participate in the olympics. An African American won two bronze in 1904. But certainly one of the most amazing athletes of any time. Thank god he didn’t boycott the olympics. His impact on history by dominating is so much more.

Neither he nor Wilma Ridolph were me mentioned as African-Americans but they were.

Player #4645883, whic proves that there is no difference between Hitler's Germany and US. At least the Germans apologized...

Miss Bitsy
Player #30304101,
Have you notice how many thumbs down people have given to those who had positive things to say about Mr. Owens. He and his wife live around the corner from me in Chicago, very nice people. His son in law taught history at the high school I graduated from. He was my US History teacher.

😁 wow inspiring 😁

yay I got rite

Chezikeets, oddly enough, Hitler was just as enamored by Owens as everyone else was!?! I suppose Hitler appreciated the fact that Owens dominated on the track the way Hitler *planned* to dominate the world.

LunaticQuince2557, not true

He is definitely an amazing athlete to look up too. Documentaries & movies about him also inspire future athletes

Player #36196577, it's 100 yards which is less than 100metres if am not mistaken and in the latter mentioned he has record of 10.3 ... Hope that has clarified your question

Player #36196577
Uninitialized, And how did he run the 100 meters in 9.4 faster than Usain Bolt 9.58 ?

Player #36196577
100 meters the world record is 9.58 and he managed to run in 9.40 ! I don't think so !

The whole world is using metric system, yet there is no additional info helping with that...
Glenn 78, Hallelujah! He certainly stirred up the hate pot. we are more segregated now because of his hate speak. but on the subject of mr. Owens, he was and always will be one of the most elite of our American athletes!