What was banned in Mississippi in 1907 that didn't become legal there again until 1966?
Correct answer: Alcohol

I am from mississippi and yes I remember areas where it was closer to get some bootlegger moonshine than to a liquor store.. it might have been prohibited but it was "still" here lol

Player #3813778
USAMcK, What's interesting is that the Bible does not condemn drinking; the Bible condemns drunkenness. Because some will exaggerate a biblical warning does not invalidate the truth of what it actually says. Drunk or sober, the truth remains: Jesus is Lord.

I'll drink to that...

Player #3813778, you made the best point on the matter. Other notable points are: Jesus' first miracle at the Cana wedding, Paul's exhortation to Timothy to have wine to settle his stomach, Ecclesiastes and other passages which make a positive mention of wine.

thats why the state is so poor. lol

I have lived in Mississippi my whole life and the county i live and all the ones surrounding are still dry to this day.

Players S&S
Mississippians, don't feel left out. Here in Oklahoma, we just was aloud to buy 6. beer as of late 2018. All they had here was 3.2, yuck!

the legislation was probably the ones making and distributing and rakin in the cash...I say make every thing legal...all drugs ! give it six months as a trial..see what happens,if there's no profit?hey?think about it....

NanaQueenB6 great ga
grew up in Mississippi my grandparents made Homebrew I should have knew that

Player #3883918
Player #2660808, I would love to know the statistics on their DID I arrests before & after!

Player #14993519. , I’ll drink to that,,

I had forgotten that the issue of alcohol consumption is a state right. When I was 18 and traveling with my parents to a number of different states for interviews for colleges I learned that just because you could drink all alcoholic beverages at 18, other states had entirely different laws. In Virginia you could drink beer or wine but you had to be 21 to drink hard liquor.

McDancerson, I think you just click on the little square beside the thumbs down and they should get your message! 🤷🏻♀️

Primrosepath, You win. 😂 Best comment I’ve read so far. If I knew how to contact you directly, I would demand that we become friends immediately.

At one time, Texas had "County option". Each county decided whether to be "wet

Player #31893843
Mississippi still holds the prize for least in education, healthcare and housing. I do not think that they are asking the Lord to turn water into wine.

Player #66817220
Player #14993519, the Irish named whiskey "the water of life" for a reason.

Player #66817220
Players S&S, yikes! Sounds like Utah.

I guess they wanted to burn their crosses in the yards and wave their rebel flags sober.

Player #21374632, my granddad made it too. We live in the house he built. Found some when we remodeled. Not bad, but pretty potent stuff.

Player #3883918, I have worked at the jail in a "dry" county...lots of DWIs. But not as many as the neighboring wet counties.

Katiebug1597, yep, my county is dry, but my city is able to sell beer....not wine or hard liquor. I think one of them is dry and the others wet.

Penny Plant, was born in eastern Kentucky

Player #21374632
RappingBugaboo28648, lol..my daddy used to make it, good income for many poor people during the depression years.

Penny Plant, .. I still remember "Last Chance Package Stores" on the Mercer/Anderson county line!

I am fairly conservative.. but that is really too bad.. a couple of drinks are one of the joys of life..

All star 5
TakeaChance1007, yup still dry county’s

how about now? still dry?

Player #14993519.
RappingBugaboo28648, actually a good alcohol 🍷 drink is good for you, it’s all in moderation,

Player #14993519.
TakeaChance1007, oh yes,,,it sure was around,,about every other neighborhood had a home that you could go to the back door knock and buy a bottle of whiskey or crystal clear moonshine for 2 bucks,,

Player #12972908
I said that

I am from Maryland just outside from Washington, DC. We have liquor stores in Prince George’s County, Maryland. We have liquor stores all over! Drink up but only responsibly !

Penny Plant
Kentucky has dry counties also. had to drive a few miles to get beer

Player #8128166
Player #3813778, well said and I do mean WELL SAID

Player #7029552
Player #3487969, who knew, who cares:-(

Player #3876987
Player #3813778, "this is my blood,drink this in remembrance of me."

I live in a part of Mississippi that is still a dry county.... yet I had to ask my dad for the answer to this question.

I thought Utah was the worse

Katiebug1597, lots of drugs though!

E stein
Purasha Of Carran, it was there only virtue