What was a "knocker upper?"

Correct answer: A person who woke someone up

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What people think about it: 33 Comments
Homer Howard III
Homer Howard III
Cool, learned something new; the hard way!!!
oh my gosh i let the picture persuade my answer ugh!
when I was overseas a British friend left a note that said knock them up in the morning being American I never understood that till now.🤣
I wonder if that persuaded the term now used as slang for getting pregnant, or the other way around? Or just a random coincidence?
We had a knocker upper in a pit village in the North East of England, he used a long pole to rattle the upstairs window, this was the 1950's!
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
1wetdog, I spent a summer in High Wycombe when a newly made friend said, "I'll knock you up in the morning." When she saw the shock on my face and I explained why, we had a good laugh and we proceeded for two months to learn of each other's sayings. These are the things that make life and traveling worthwhile.
Player #433718
Player #433718
dollis1963, so did I
Thank you Daphne from "Frasier"!
When I lived in Scotland I stayed over a couple's home one night. The husband asked me "What time do you want me to knock you up in the morning?" I had to think about that a minute 😂.
In the UK to be knocked up nowadays means to have gotten pregnant!
Player #107070140
Player #107070140
toe jam I too picked the pregnant woman...lol
toe jam
toe jam
l picked the pregnant woman.
Republic of China
Republic of China
1wetdog, You could have searched Google during that time but ok
Somebody who gets someone else knocked up????
Player #51052385
Player #51052385
I love knocker uppers!
In the late '70's, my first "real" job was at an Answering Service. One of my duties was a "ringer upper" I had a long list of people for whom the alarm clocks did not work! Lol! I had one or two that I was supposed to keep calling until they called me back.
Player #Abi_gezunt
Player #Abi_gezunt
yidelech, yidelech shtai oif tzu avodas Haborie!
Player #44565732
Player #44565732
Player starlord, it made perfect sense.
sanny. x
sanny. x
I knew this from ages ago, X and it is true, and it does makes sense, lol, n because I just read it then, I couldn't stop laughing lol n because I keep thinking about I still keep laughing, because it is funny. 😂
Player starlord, I believe it is a tongue twister...like Peter Piper
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player starlord, Those types of poem aren’t supposed to
The picture made me get it wrong!!!😠
larry the learner
larry the learner
sometimes you need to scrool to the source and rely on it . nice story but this is not always authenticated
Really Interesting question! Of course I answered it correctly. 😀
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Player #17611859, or the rooster
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Player #15230807, yep me too
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Player #326446, trick question lol that could also be true lol!
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Yet another job lost to technology it’s a good thing having technological advancements but there’s a fine line between invention for the betterment of the people & the betterment of a few lining their pockets with silver & gold. I think places where technology should be used most apart from the obvious of science & health care etc is where a job can cause injury or dangerous. Otherwise let’s encourage good employment practices - machines are so impersonal. Well that’s my opinion, tots sure some peeps would disagree.
that's a bit history l didn't know
Soleil10001, they always use pictures to mess you up. I quit falling for it!!
That was mean to give the photo about dog walking and the wrong answer relevant to the photo 😅
Player #31366
Player #31366
poor wife