What was the name of "Pappy" Boyington's plane?
Correct answer: Lulu Belle
Player #4348273
pappy boyington was my great, great grandfather. my name is Michael boyington and my sister has a picture of him standing on the flight deck of an old aircraft carrier.
a real American hero!!
I like heros.
the real "Pappy" Boyington was technical advisor on the show.
Player #10610688
Player #4348273, wish I could've shook his hand. Sounds like he had a lot of balls.
F4U Corsair is one of the most beautiful aircraft in the air. I’ve been blessed to see one several times at various air shows.
Player #10610688
catsmeow9810, He died January 11, 1988 at the age of 78.
Player #43223203
Never knew this information,but strangely enough that is what I named my dog and my father was in WW11 , Lulu Belle was the right name for her !!I guess my dad who was in the air force had something to do with it
Player spacecowboy🤠
I loved that show too, it was on Sunday night the dog in the TV series was named meatball a white bulldog.
unicorn 54, Wrong. It was called Baa Baa Black Sheep originally. Later it was changed to Black Sheep Squadron.
''Both'' means 2, not 5.
R+T#1/2 o+b#45/46
Phadraiga, it's the song birds he did not like. You have to be in the military at the time frame to know.
Player spacecowboy🤠, a white Pittbull Terrior
Player #18052997
unicorn 54, You didn't watch the first season.
Player #10610688
catsmeow9810, from cancer.
Does anyone know when he died?
seriously did not know the answer to this question. Guessed it according to the most weirdest response.
Player Elf Counsel
Stormsurge66, Never heard of the show in the UK but I love The Whippenpoof Song.Its based on a poem by Kipling, Gentleman Rankers.
EliteLawyercat57024, not according to Cadet Bonespurs who thinks badly of pilots who get captured.