What is the largest lake in the Tropics?
Correct answer: Lake Victoria

Montana Lady
CombatCol, to find the tropics look on a globe or map of the world and find the equator. If you look closely you'll see there are parallel lines above and below it marked "The Tropic of Cancer" and "The Tropic of Capricorn", the band around our planet between those two lines is officially the tropics.

Player #12369674, if the land is between the tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn it's the tropics. most of africa is tropical

WaldoLydeker, it was Lake Sango before it was 'colonised'.

Player #25874027
CombatCol, between approx 23 degrees North of the Equator, and approx 23 degrees South of the Equator.
All around the world , including the area between those lines in Africa , South America , the Atlantic and the Indian and Pacific Oceans etc.
A very well defined area.

Guillermo Jr.
maybe.. but Lake Titicaca has the cutest name..

Vague question. Large could mean surface area or volume, the former not revealed until the description. Lake Tanganyika is larger than Lake Victoria by volume.

FreeDom, Surely not ‘Lake’ Sango, but a word meaning lake in the same language as ‘Sango’.

Duchess of three
FreeDom, I thought it was called Nalubale in Uganda and in Kenya,Rwanda and Tanzania it had a different name.

Player #50531971
FreeDom, thanks, i was wondering. time to change it back to Lake Sango.

its the tropics,no capital letter there.

anomander rake
FreeDom, actually it was called and it's still called lake Nalubaale by the locals.

Michael Kelly
the tropics is not Africa!!!!

Player #5099592
DODEEKNEES, What is a tropical lake?

OnerousBarbarian2025, that information is very interesting; my husband works in Africa and hates it as he's the lone American.

Player #8988878Xet
Sonicgirl, The word is 'Documented'...et cetera...

A British Lake. Discovered by British subjects.

Player #4347772
Question not specified well...

Player #2302179
tropics not Africa

Player #2408640
I got them right

Player #2431249, You might want to check your own facts before you start calling other people morons. There is a world outside The Americas!

WaldoLydeker, I completely agree. As though it never 'existed' before it was named after a British monarch, by a white man.

The largest lake in Africa should have an African name. Most of it borders 2 countries, so they should have a say. Since its capital is on the lake, I pick Lake Uganda.

define tropics