There is a commune in France near the Somme which has a one letter name. Which letter is it?
Correct answer: Y

Brock (+ sometimes Pamo)
How can it be ONE of the shortest?!

BroxQuizPersona, because there may be others

Brock (+ sometimes Pamo),
because there might be a commune "I" or "X". And things that are equally as short are not the shortest.

I am not a number.
Brox quiz persona, exactly as Mori says there are others. In fact another Y in Alaska and Å is used by villages in Scandinavia

Mike T, That's a long way to go for a coffee..

Mike T
If that is an actual picture of the place, I would love to visit there. Looks perfect for a quiet coffee.

BroxQuizPersona, perhaps there is a town called X.