What gemstone has a name literally meaning not intoxicated?
Correct answer: Amethyst

Good grief, people, this is an educational GAME, not your own personal bashing ground. Lighten up, Francis, and enjoy the game. The ultimate Creator can certainly put some happy surprises within Creation. "The rocks will cry out." Take a wild guess from where I pulled that quote. I serve a God big enough to fix my issues, create creatures that evolve, and rocks that cry out. I don't want a God small enough to fit into some human's limited mind.

having personally tested this theory, amethyst doesnt stop one from becoming intoxicated...

Amethyst is also the recovery stone

Tokin8919, and I feel sorry for your kind - those who have to publicly ridicule anyone whose beliefs differ from yours. Why ya'll gotta be so mean?

Interesting. It's unfortunate that some comments ridicule others and their beliefs. This is a game for fun! God taught us to love one another. A little tolerance please. No need to attack every question that is not based on the bible. Go to a Bible trivia game.

YaYa The Brave Sorceress
Yes I firmly believe that crystals and quartz have ability to affect the environment and with true intentions can be the catalyst for a desired outcome or effect.
Nothing is more influential than the mind and without the intention the crystal has no effect. Hence the non believer will never realize the power of crystals

I make costume jewelry and I love amythyst it makes lovely pieces.

It's my favourite stone, but I can still get somewhat drunk! And it does not stop a nasty hangover either!

Player #3286820
Joy, Well said...or written for the ultimate critics...The game is interesting I think. I score relatively well, but, learn something at each level. This is the first time I even looked at "feedback". A bazillion places exist on different platforms to discuss religious beliefs or political views/opinions. ENJOY THIS GAME ALL!!! That's all it is!!!

Teslasgirl66, you keep calling Montana Lady antisemitic & it's getting old! She criticized the actions of the Israeli government, Zionism & the settlements.... that's not racist.
There are plenty of Jews, including Israelis that agree with her... It's FAR more racist to think that all Jews have to think the same way as the Israeli government. As if they are not individuals with just as wide a variety of opinions as every other group of people in the world!

Thank you Joy. well said

gizmoqueen, Baby can't say it doesn't work, either. ☺️

Cat Mom
LeLe, Prayers for you & your family

Cat Mom
Johni, if I may- crystals, etc are part of their own religion, that does not follow our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, but instead it invites other unseen forces to take control & that can be a dangerous thing. Yes, I will be criticized for my words

This is just what I was talking about comments before...I like these gemstones because of its vibrations that influence people in energy way

Player #132187902
everyone is entitled to their own opinion, tis not right it wrong, just different

I believe if you put the answer in a picture above the question it is too bloody easy.

Hansome Ray, I always thought our son was lucky to have such a beautiful birthstone.

TheDespoiler, you sure it was amethyst? A few Katherine gems look similar at times....

Johni, hey. Crystals can be used for spiritual healing and cleansing. Those who follow spiritual practices believe in the universe and the goddesses who guide them. Basically it’s another religion path even though it’s not readily recognised as such. Everyone has their own beliefs or nonbeliefs, and others should accept that. I hope this helps you a little ☺️

Player #126640392
AudaciousCapybara69, because their "people"☺️
What did you expect, a class act❓

QueenieJ8971, I have always been really drawn to Amythyst. Turns out it my dads birth stone

Phil, how does everyone go from crystals etc to religion.

Don’t put the answer as a picture! 🤦🏼♀️

Joy, your big ol God has another issue to fix I see. Take your own advice "Francis", this is also not a preaching ground.

TheDespoiler, good to know someone did the research

Lolz…the picture was a giveaway even if you didn’t know the answer.

Bill, me too and it's my birthstone lol

amen to that cote,Joy.

Joy, stripes

Uninitialized, My birthstone too! I love it! I love the tarzanite too, (dont know spelling of it )Idk if its the imitation or maybe i like it because its a light purple.

Wendy Darling
Joy, thank you for the quote from Stripes :)

this is about an earlier question. I believe that the first time Arnold Schwarzenegger said "I "ll be back" was in The Running Man.

I wish I had known this during my wild days !!!!!

It must be February hope you had a lovely day!

Where I come from, it's called "Blue John", not Amethyst.... Its mined just outside Sheffield in a place called "Castleton"..... Great tourist trap

Player #11249894, do you know WHY people were superstitious about walking under ladders??? The ground plus either the two sides of a folding ladder, or a straight ladder plus the wall it leans against, create a triangle. And a triangle was thought to represent the three-in- one aspect of the holy trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). People thought they might disrupt, harm or upset the Trinity if they walked under a ladder!!! Weird that they’d think God was so fragile… I mean, did they spend their lives watching out for other triangles to avoid passing through for the same reason? How did A-frame houses or simple ‘pup tents’ EVER become popular in that case??? 🧐🤨😳

Player #1coolcat, interrogate???

Player #40372101, except mankind, which originated in Africa? Or so they say.

LeLe, so sorry for your loss!