The name of which famous building in Rome translated means "temple of every god"?

Correct answer: Pantheon

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What people think about it: 16 Comments
Player #184894
Player #184894
(Πάνθεον) Pantheon is a Greek word coming from the words (Παν) Pan which means every and (Θεών) Theon which means Gods. So, the general meaning is every Gods temple!
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
Player #184894, I've been there and wished the Christian Church hadn't removed all the statues of the old gods which once stood there. It would have been spectacular.
Player best beast
Player best beast
Amazing Architecture a must see if ever in Rome
A fascinating place! The dome is an exact hemisphere and the building could contain a sphere. If it is raining when you visit, you will get wet, as the oculus is open to the sky!
I have visited and it is amazing!! Still has the original door 2 centuries later.. hmpfh.. I can't get a screen door to last more than a few years!! amazing to me that when it was built.. pencils had not even been invented yet.. and it is still standing.. plus the best gelato in Italy is right across the street.. you can see the shoppe on the right side of the photo... try the Nociolla flavor.. hazelnut.. kind of like chilled Nutella.. ok.. I'll shut up now..
Dr Funkfunk
Dr Funkfunk
Very cool place and it's free. Certainly the oldest building I've ever toured.
Player #184894, was about to write the same. very basic information missing from the text
Player SQinfoNUTS
Player SQinfoNUTS
Player #184894, would be nice if the explanation given by the quiz land people included this information regarding root words.
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
Guillermo, keep talking, it is interesting, but don't you mean 2 thousand years? 2 centuries would only be back to the 1700s and I'll bet we have doors older than that all around the country
That's okay, QuackingTank2311, I confused Pantheon with Parthenon for some reason
Calabtangan'  Boyoyong
Calabtangan' Boyoyong
Pantheon holds a record of the largest unsupported concrete dome for over a thousand yrs, not until reinforced concrete was invented. Reminds of my history class in architecture.
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
Player Gigi #28446253, typo Gigi..lo siento!
Player #MaritimeCY
Player #MaritimeCY
Another Greek word!
Was there last year.
Player Elf Counsel, I have been there as well and agree with you. You can see more Christian statuary than you can possibly imagine at the Vatican Museum.
Player #184894, thanks