Are there pyramids or mounds in the United States?
Correct answer: Yes

Peter Navarre
Paul Pont, dont forget about the serpent mound in southern ohio

Dark Jedi
Cahokia Mounds is closer to Collinsville IL than anywhere else and its about 8 miles from downtown St Louis. They are not actually located in the city of Cahokia. Please Google it for true acurate information.

I live thirty minutes from a city named Moundville. Guess what it's known for? Every year they put on an amazing two day Native American festival with story telling, incredible handmade goods, delicious food, performance dances, crafts for kids. It's the kind of thing that you think, "Eh, I've been," but when someone takes you back it's a whole new experience again. I don't know how they keep it fresh year after year, but they do.

Paul Pont, Yellow State National Park is sitting on a volcano right now!! That is Yellowstone!! Google it if you dont believe me!!

Destino Manifesto
Sorry, it's spelled Kolomoki Mounds state park in southwest Georgia, near Blakely.

Destino Manifesto
Kolamoke mounds in southwest Georgia is one of the nation's largest mounds.

Minneapolis is rife with Native American Mounds. There's even a town or two named after them.

Jym Lawrence, been there. Really enjoyed it!

Peter Navarre, where at

Dawnann Rowles
Paul Pont, you didn't say where Monk's mound is.

Paul Pont
Cahokia Mounds in Cahokia, IL about 15 miles east of Saint Louis, MO.