David Bowie in the film "The Prestige" played a famous inventor. Which inventor did he portray?
Correct answer: Nikola Tesla

David Bowie was a unique and awesome individual who gave us unforgettable music and characters! RIP.

Not only was he a fantastic vocalist and musician but also an awesome actor.Hes truly missed.

Player. Ty
Tesla was the MAN!!!😀

Roberta Ann
I have "The Prestige" on DVD and I think David Bowie's performance as Tesla was spot on!! Someone should make a movie on David Bowie's life. He was a genius, musician, actor, artist - a true Renaissance man. I love David Bowie's music!!

Player #11393099
Labyrinth is still one of my favorite movies of him

Christine ~ RN
Roberta Ann, Yes, it would be great to see a movie made on David Bowie’s life but who could possibly have enough talent to play the part of Bowie.

Player mj88
JSSmal270, there’s an internet and tons of books for that...

JSSmal270, yes and edison was a crook. he cheated tesla out of $50,000 that he offered him for fixing the dc current problem. my opinion; next to ba vinci, tesla was smartest man ever

good movie 👍