Which artist had a 'Blue Period' and a 'Rose Period'?
Correct answer: Pablo Picasso

I have a Picasso in my dining room. Alas, it's a copy. I have a Paul Klee in my bedroom, "Senecio". Yep, also a copy. I have original works of art in my cave, though. Worthless. I'm the artist.

If you don't know the answer, just pick the most well-known one, usually works out

Wow thought he was an earlier artist. lived to almost 100 really??

Player #14993519.
WaldoLydeker, Your art is not worthless,,believe me,,I paint too, no one but me ,maybe my children,,love my treasured artwork,it’s value is priceless to me,,hard work goes into every piece,,I would probably love yours,

Player Elf Counsel, Well said! He admitted that he never expected most of his works to become famous. Bet he laughed all the way to the bank!

Player #8988878Xet
kjngirlie, I saw a drawing by him (thru media) that was incredible...it was a silhouette of a woman...drawn with one continuous line!!

Player #17281812
The art displayed in our home is a selection of our 3 kids artwork from their school years. Now the kids are already adults. Every time I look at a painting on our walls it reminds me my child at that particular age when he/she created the picture. So precious! it always puts a smile on my face... and a bit of nostalgia.... 🥰 When i want to see Picasso i go to a museum. 😂

Okie Razorback
Player Elf Counsel, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

the explanation would rather be telling something about those two periods

Player Kate
I went to an exhibit at the Nelson Atkins museum and for the first time understood the cubism. his cubist pieces were shown next to art from Africa. The African works were amazing and the inspiration for his work.

little b
I'm not good at art

Lady butterfly
I’m an artist too. People generally like my pieces , but for me the value is in the painting of them. I’m not depressed when I am lost in a painting.

WaldoLydeker, Then they are not worthless! 😘

simran shergill
bekar question ever

Player #8988878Xet, yes love his work or Loathe it His Works are Unique!

WaldoLydeker, Why be so harsh? I'm a mostly self-taught artist 🎨 and each work has value to someone ❤️

with his promiscuity you would think he would live to maybe 50.92 impressive

Wendell Thomas, I was going to say the same thing! (GMTA)

I love to draw. At the age of five years I won 3 national drawing competition with first prize .And today I have 20 prizes that I have won in drawing competition.

I just guessed I love guessing

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Good idea. Thanks for the tip. 😎

Fun guy
you say the famous one was the obvious answer .. so Boticelli was an unknown ?

third time Pablo Picasso answer

UknowNothing, Always😂

J. Sparrow
I hate that the answers are always the most known person or thing. It would be nice to learn about other things too, things that aren't main stream.

Rimi Nabam
UknowNothing, I was searching for this comment 😂.

Player #Diya567
Picasso ....A realistic artist