What Thomas Hardy novel takes its title from Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"?
Correct answer: "Far From the Madding Crowd"

It's the only Thomas Hardy novel I've ever read...now fancy that!

Player pretty paws
Don’t read Thomas Hardy if you suffer from depression!

Player #41101684
GiGi2010, Yes, it is, and it was made into a very successful film (British) in the 60s.
Do read it if you can.

Player #11557707
He was known as Happy Tom.

Player GruffSecretAg
It's the only novel of his that I've read.

Becca Sue, don't worry, you have a flock of sheep over a cliff, a murder and a simulated suicide to read about even if you know the ending!

Becca Sue
Spoiled the ending!