What animal's head appears on the handle of Mary Poppins' umbrella?
Correct answer: A parrot
Supercalifragilisticexpialidotious... Not sure about the spelling
Player Elf Counsel
ZyggyStardust, Disney always changes stories. And don't rely on learning history from his productions. Read the originals.
Sassy: I thought the EXACT same thing……that girl looks exactly like Chelsea Clinton. I thought that immediately and then when I read your comment, I laughed to myself thinking…someone else thinks the same as me!
The girl in middle kind of looks like Chelsea Clinton
Player #16550689
Why show a photo from a more recent Mary Poppins movie when the text is about the 1964 original?
prunky11, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, you were quite close.
prunky11, well done!
JezzerLX, haha you were a grumpy old man even back then! And I mean it in the nicest possible way 😊😄