What song does Lloyd Dobler play from his boombox under Diane Court's window in the film "Say Anything"?
Correct answer: In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel

Player #5068515
I like that song

Player Ejag
I really like all the Cusack actors; wish they had done more movies!

As a 19 yr old at the time, this was a pinnacle 80's moment for me.

have always related to John Cusack roles... he was great in Grosse Point Blank..

Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes”, is one of the songs on my playlist of dedicated songs to my husband of 28 years. 🥰

I met John Cusack one time at an NBA game. He sat in the section I was working. Great actor, but NOT a nice person.

Player #5068515, Great song 🎶, made during the era of great rock music,,soft rock, my favorite,,