When was George Washington born?

Correct answer: February 22,1732

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What people think about it: 20 Comments
Player #1935809
Player #1935809
RebelTornado26805, he would roll in his grave from the filth of either side, not just the left
Player #266028
Player #266028
he also was commander in chief of contanental army during the american revolution
1961=Obama, 1743= Jefferson, 1809=Lincoln
Player 198 I wholeheartedly agree with your comment about Washington would turn in his grave the Republic is in jeopardy of being turned into nightmare WE have to accept the TRUTH in both our Justice system our Voting Rights and most importantly Our Civil RIGHTS!!! This country by law should handle fairly immigrants n ALL new individuals who can n will contribute to the TRUE AMERICAN DREAM! I pray that the sensible sane people of this REPUBLIC get together and save this idea for our children
[bobbo16], also my b-day.
April 13th, 1743 is the birth date of Thomas Jefferson.
Player #1935809, 👍
Melode Fidler
Melode Fidler
I agree that George Washington would be disappointed in how this country evolved Politicsllyand spiritually!
Cookie Monsta, They wanted to give him the title of 'king' and he refused
he was the first ELECTED president of the United States
RebelTornado26805, You mean the right, I'm sure!
Player #11892151
Player #11892151
Player #MinnieLuv, r u gelus.
Player #3366575
Player #3366575
Player #2577873, St Patrick's is in March.
Player #2577873
Player #2577873
Mimi3748, darn! February was fun when we were kids...a couple of presidents, exchanging those little Valentine cards and pinching the non-"wearers o' the green" made it a whole new year as the 1st of January seemed to be a let-down following Christmas! Good lookin' out!
Player #2577873
Player #2577873
Mimi3748, oops. As I was saying,
Player #2577873
Player #2577873
Mimi3748, right? February was
Jeffie Of Stanfordville, hmm, not heard that one before, the most common phrase of this sort is "What's that have to do with the price of tea in China?".
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
He didn't believe in political parties, so all of you who are trying to get a jab in at the other side, don't much about George's politics.
Jeffie Of Stanfordville
Jeffie Of Stanfordville
dollis1963, What does that have to do with the price of eggs on Sunday
president Washington would be rolling in his grave if he saw the filth and destruction the left of center has leveled upon us..