Which country is the largest producer of sugar cane?
Correct answer: Brazil

Please don’t cut down the rainforests to grow more!

“India and some Asian countries”... India IS an Asian country.

toppers girl #1
we also have it in florida, where the processing is polluting the everglades. Of course politicians keep allowing it because of big money!

* Seshati *
batman25/1, yep this is a mistaken approach that has been made quite a few times in the past. So many introduced animals now believed to be pests & many introduced invasive plants some toxic .. although all those factors added up still don’t compare to the destruction of human habit, waste & activity. We are the worst animal on this planet by far & in my opinion a pest too. Lol that being said we are very gifted, wonderful & have the power to change our approach if we only would stop squabbling endlessly over things that don’t matter & serve a greater good for all concerned on this earth & not excluding for the earth also. All life is sacred.

lmao willing to live without the sugar from sugar cane to preserve the rain forests.lots of other sources for sugars. e.g. beets

Vincent Sablan
As soon as they mentioned 'grass', the first thing I thought of was the "Far Side" cartoon where the cows are grazing, then one suddenly says, "GRASS!! We've been eating GRASS!!!" I share too much...

Grillchees, this type of grass grows better close to the ocean. The rain forest is being destroyed in Brazil due to soy and corn plantations as well as cattle for meat production.

Grillchees, stop buying illegal wood for your tables and toys.

Player #4135875
If you would see the way that Sugar Cane is harvested in Thailand then it would be a banned raw material.

When we have visited Brazil we have driven from Saõ Paulo to Barretos along the roads through hundreds of miles of sugar cane .

they used to be the world's largest rubber producer too until about 70k rubber tree seeds were essentially pirated by being smuggled out of the country

Renoir Zebe
And Australia!!

Hedgehog, so is the UK.

buffthestuff, wouldn’t it be great if everyone took note. We don’t even have to give up sugar. If we make sure the sugar we eat is from beets then demand for sugar cane will fall and so will deforestation.

Player #120374466
toppers girl #1,
I guess we need to stop eating sugar and then market for it will decrease rapidly.

Player #71251391
Grillchees, it is a big mistake to think that the rainforest is being destroyed for this reason. it' s not. For one big international companies are the biggest wood buyers and most of the time they are doing it unlawfully. sencondly, there is much ado about it. every country in the world wants a piece of the Amazon

ang, The evidence for climate change is overwhelming & indisputable. Please stop lapping up the false info pumped out by the fossil fuel industry & their bought off politicians & news media like Fox News.

Apparently that means we all eat a lot of grass.😸😹

South Africa is now taxing sugar because of the growing occurrence of diabetes

batman25/1, far away from our forests huh

Grillchees, you are wrong: our cane plantations doesn't fit on our forest region

Sugar is a seriously dangerous drug

Player #58092313
toppers girl #1,
my grandpa grew it in SC

In Sudan we have large plantations too.

Player #38618593
A little sweetness for your Brazilian coffee . . .

Player #19375678, yes we live in the Clarence Valley surrounded by sugar cane

Vincent Sablan, no, that is funny! Love “The FarSide”

Sir CS
Denise, no it's not. Most asian countries don't consider countries beyond China as an "Asian country".

Cultivated throughout the world? Really? Even in Russia, Canada, and the other northern frigid zone countries?

Australia has a sugar industry especially is QLD.

Player #12134557
* Seshati *, 👍

Vincent Sablan, I like the one where they're standing up with drinks & smokes in hand until one yells "car!"

Player #7194260
Australia has a big sugar cane industry also

Player Glamingo60
toppers girl #1, You are so right.
Sugar is a big ugly business in FL

Player #26129643
The US government subsidizes sugar growers to an outrageous extent

Player #13023389
I like sugar but it effects the green climate I am so staunch about. Debby

Denise, it is just because india is the second largest producer of it and then come the other Asian countries in the line

Player #30523809
toppers girl #1, altho still a polluting industry, it's not as bad as when I was a child. they'd burn off the fields after harvest & the smoke would be tangible as far south & east as Ft Lauderdale & Miami