Who played Jim Morrison in the 1991 film 'The Doors'?
Correct answer: Val Kilmer

Gracious 7
nimblemoon, Absolutely he was great as Morrison. Doc Holiday is 1 of his best roles

awesome sue
Val was excellent as Jim!

I agree The Saint was his best film other than Doc Holliday. His depiction of Morrison was totally accurate. I was young adult in that era. So sad, a life wasted.

Player Ejag
Loved him in Tombstone: I’m your huckleberry!

Kilmer really did a fantastic job with this role.

Player #1027355
Loved the Doors. Way ahead of their time. What a great poet!

Kilmer actually provided 3 songs. one was an original Morrison version and 2 were his. they were so similar the brass didn't realize 1 was from Morrison himself. Kilmer is an engaging and highly accomplished actor. 2 snaps up.

First loved him in Willow, but Doc Holiday was his masterpiece.

No- one esle in Hollywood could of portrayed Jim Morrison better than Val Kilmer..

surprised the Saint wasn't mentioned. one of his best movies other than Tomstone.

Cat Mom
LOVED IT! Meg Ryan was great also. I'm not a big Kathleen Quinlan (pardon if spelled wrong) fan and her role made me like her less by stealing another woman's man

Cat Mom
( Snail Darter), lol

Cat Mom
Player #29302333, there was Top Gun and Top Secret

Player #130998363
I believe he had laryngeal cancer. My husband did too. Uses a prosthetic to speak

Val did a great job!

he'll always be Madmartigan to me. 🤠

awesome sue, he was great as Jim, even sang his songs too,

awesome sue, Val nailed it,,great actor and good looking man too.

Gotta admit, I have a special place in my heart for "Top Secret."

Sorry but I loved Oliver stones version of the doors life.. CSAWLOK

Noisy Panther
Player Tamsen, Not any more he doesn't

I'm your huckleberry
Player Ejag, 🙂

Vincent Sablan, Trust me, Vincent, you were not the only one. I suspected what they might be and looked it up to see if I was right. Your honesty is commendable.

Vincent Sablan
I had to look up "entheogens". Pardon my ignorance....

Player #29302333
I think you meant Top Gun

An what a great movie that was.

Player #25103466
the all time greatest rock and roll band ever. Mr.Mojo Risen

I still have crush on Jim Morrison since 1967, age 12

luapenomis, ku'l!

Player #21374632
Player Tamsen, I totally agree with you,,love Val

Redeemed 2001
Great movie but really a caracacher of the real thing.

Player #9442102
Tanya, Batman was one of his best characters !

Morrison is portrayed as a total goofball. I hope he was better than that.

I loved Val Kilmer in Real Genius. He was the best Batman too!What a handsome guy! Too bad for his cancer, surgeries, and health. Not good for his career anymore either.

Player #3320538
He looked like an angel with his curls around his face. Was so sad to hear he had died. Listened then and listen now. Loved the Doors.

( Snail Darter)
lily 21, A Playboy writer wrote in one of the monthly issue’s that putting on a Door’s album at a party got you laid 17% quicker than any other groups music at the time.....

😂kevin bacon had some votes!

Canis Lupus
Gracious 7, He was hot in Top Gun

Dianna Bella74
Good actor. Strange sort of fellow though.