What Major League Baseball team has won the World Series the most times?
Correct answer: New York Yankees

always get sports questions wrong! disheartning

Being from the East Coast I root 4 the Yankees even when they aren't having a good year. This really ticks off my Dodger fan neighbors here in SoCal

Yankees forever!

Player #5740517, My cousin Ron Guidry pitched for the Yankees for years.

Guillermo Jr.
Hard to believe they have not won the WS in over. a decade.. a long drought for the Yankees..

Player #2355073
camped1129, Derek a cheater?? Only in your imagination. He's the best modern day shortstop ever to play the game. Never a scandal attached to his name. Can you say the same about your heroes

Guillermo Jr.
Player #2355073, I am not a Yanks fan but I agree.. Jeter is a hall of famer no doubt..

I'm a Baltimore Orioles and Cleveland Indians fan 😁

Player #38618593
When you drive past Yankee Stadium you see all those years listed on the building. It's awesome.

Lady Klaybuck
Player #2355073, Beg too differ ... knowing he was a Hero being watched by maybe a. million kids...he knew he was out once- announcers right then said Yankees get away w/another one. Although that was not accurate Mr. Jeter could have told Umpires hey I was out. Surely Yankee MGMT. would have been momentarily unhappy once a million letters & telegrams came in saying how proud the fans were to see true integrity...some one willing to be right not necessarily popular that instant. But right in the long run. Like in Milwaukee "they" put up a beautiful bronze statue of Fonzie. However, he never put up two (2) thumbs up and there was no motorcycle. "They" took bows and he is beautifully placed on Milwaukee River bend but the backlash over not doing it right still remains lived from CA to Maine to Fla now in NY...every time I think of Mr.Jeter not doing right thing and not making a statue reflect a true character still get knot in me tum. I am first in line to "tell on myself" when I do wrong. That's how we, humans, learn. Not popular thing to be correct-oh wait yes it is! That's true Heroism! Sincerely, Lady Klaybuck

It's actually the Red Sox

old momma
MARELMAR , no he was playing for the New York Mets.

Happy to see this question as I live in Manhattan, idolized them as they had the most titles, best players, and the most grace under pressure

GWYN57, me too. But I don't feel bad because I don't pay attention to sports.

you mean they buy it

So mad, I got it wrong!

Pura chiripa!


Vessuvius, you only remember the bad times.

Guillermo Jr., I can't believe, especially after all the money we put out

Cajunbaby, old #49 was one of my favorite nyy.

Cajunbaby, and is one of the greatest starting pitchers in history. TLL.

What about the George Steinbrenner years and the Billy Martin fights? I love the Yankees but the fighting years were funny, facts were Martin was a drunk and could not get his life together and the Yankees went downhill at Martin’s latter years and Steinbrenner tossed him but Billy in the beginning was good. Another how about..…”The Post” front page with George Steinbrenner on a white horse dressed as general George Washington, that was his glory years as he strived to make the team it was and money was not an option and he spent to squire the best talented players that were available at that time, Reggie Jackson ?

wasn't it Darryl Strawberry was with the Yankees? it came to my mind just now.

I was in Philadelphia for a month and saw the Mets play the Phillies 3 times. Once occasion was a double header. Don't remember who won.

I am Red Sox Nation all the way and spent the first 32 years of my life disappointed. lol

Player #2355073, Yes, Bo Jackson never had scandal. Darryl Strawberry McG too.

Since the early 90's the Braves has been my team.

Guillermo Jr., I was just saying the same thing.🥎🤔

Cajunbaby, Thanks for sharing that fascinating tidbit of your family's history.😁🥎🧢👏👏🏻👏🏼👏🏾👏🏿

GWYN57, I had to use a 50/50 clue. 😁 Surprisingly, I guessed right. So, I can identify.

Totally cheated and asked my husband!

Player #40996426
I don't even watch this boring sport but being a New Yorker I said us Yankees

Player #34642095
Player #2355073, the best to ever do it

Player #34642095
AnonymousDog10027, 😆

Question should have been which sports team has bought the most world series?

Fun guy
1978- 1996 no wins, even the best go through tough times.