What is a pond skater?
Correct answer: Insect

Player #1008308 Red, Ok 1st off why did this turn into a sermon about how your beliefs are better then someone else's. Unless I'm mistaken, this is a question about a pretty cool insect. Leave the notions that one belief is better then another out of the game because though I am Christian, I love history and let's face it, Christian's have murdered more than their fair share of people in God's name under the belief that if your opinion was different then you were a pagan. I can tell you believe strongly and that's great, but let's not a trivia Crusade on an app that most of us use as a brief escape from our lives. Sorry for the rant myself guys!

Elsbeth Mills, Well said. Too bad people can't just play this as a trivia game. I am disgusted by the name calling and hatred in the comments. It's a game!

this might be the wrong place to mention that I thought the name jesus bug was funny

CompleteTank49027, whether God is the creator or not, science has proven that evolution happens. Look at Charles Darwin's work and how humans evolved. I believe that if God exists, he created things to grow, learn and adapt, and that is what's happening with evolution.

Elabazutje, I would love to read that poem, but unfortunately, I don't speak Flemish.
Just out of interest, pond skaters don't "transfer their weight" to walk on water, they have minute hairs on their feet which prevent them from breaking the water tension, thereby, preventing them from sinking. I have loads of them on my pond.

Elsbeth Mills
How in the Universe did this turn into an argument over evolution? Geesh! Science is science and religion is religion-why argue? I say everyone believe how you choose to or choose not to believe-let the mystery be

Player #1008308 Red, Just stating a confirmed scientific fact here, but are you aware that we share 99% of our DNA with apes. Like it or not, if you look around you there are signs of evolution everywhere, many of which are man-made but some are not. The breeding of two different types of an animal create a new breed don't they. Plants are created all the time to make distinct blooms and isn't that evolution in which man plays God. Which I used that phrase to point out that if man can do it and refer to it as such are you implying that God in the history of Earth has not done it. Yes evolution contradicts that part of your belief but it doesn't make it false. Scientists may prove evolution but that doesn't mean that they don't believe in him or aren't Christian. Let's be honest when has a story or history been passed down in every part exact, just because it didn't happen exactly the way the bible says seems to me it just shows that people weren't able to grasp some concepts and things were explained the best way possible. This doesn't mean the main concepts don't still apply or that God isn't great. Personally our very existence on this planet along with all other life here are astronomical and are a testament to his existence. The devil exists in us indeed, because how else to you explain how man is given a chance for life and we CHOSE to destroy the one thing we need to live, this planet!

Player #750666
love this game

Nigel S P
Does it really matter if someone is creationist or evolutionist? We all have different views and opinions. All should respect that. This is game for fun and enjoyment and to improve knowledge. Please respect each other and enjoy this wonderful game

This is just a trivia game. A GAME. Please let it stay such.

I like the name "Jesus bug," and if Jesus is real, I'll bet He likes it, too. I'm sorry if your God doesn't have a sense of humor...

Player #146596833
LoopyLynda74, mimicry is where plants, animals are studied for their characteristic for science and invention, for example medicine, transport.

j boy
LoopyLynda74, write a book why don't you lol

whitesloth91, me too! And adorable!

LoopyLynda74, thank you. Nicely stated.

love this game very much 😍..

I remember watching these amazing little guys skipping over the water as a child and even now.a c

don't argue with the names which humans given them...don't fenatic

adey, different insect, beetle that can submerge itself taking a air bubble under its wing

called a waterboat man where I come from,a bit more class

Is this the insect that kinda looks like a spider walking on water?

Jenn Natalia
WOW, you have an extraordinary ability to bloviate.TLTR...DK

BrokenExorcist69043, i think we never evolved seeing the disaster we made of our surroundings

When we were young, we called them "water runners "
they are cool insects, we loved to watch them often.

I love seeing these critters on the water, they seem to defy physics! And, they are swift!!! I have tried many times to catch them, to no avail.

I wonder where they transfer their weight to? I wish I could do that trick! Instead, I think someone is transferring their weight to me! hehe
there wasn't C letter

LoopyLynda74, there’s no devil. There’s only traumatised people. Hurt people hurt people. 🙏🏼

Player #7949192, who said we have stopped evolving? You’d need to see it to believe it right? 🙂

Fun guy
we never stopped evolving, those changes are slow & take a long time. for eg most of us are taller than our parents & much taller than people 100 yrs ago, more diff. if you go back 1,000 yrs- besides if God created DNA for every species, why couldn't he create evolution ? .. We have to learn to admit we don't know everything but also to accept others have learnt things we do not understand from the scientific community created the electrical grth

Guillermo Jr.
hemiptera = "half-wing"

Glad you did! Sometimes a smile is creates such a relief.

* Seshati *
LoopyLynda74, oh my so very well said thank you & bless you

LoopyLynda74, actually we don't. If we did why did we stop evolving?🤔

BroaderParallel9, that was going to be my question.

I never heard or seen these before .and all the time my self and my family spends by the water .

They do bite!!!

Player #7095882
I saw these alot while fishing.Kool.