Which country was invaded on D-Day in 1944?
Correct answer: France

my dad fought in World War II and landed on the beaches of Normandy it was called an invasion German occupied territory in France the question is correct

It was a great plan that involved incredible bravery of and sacrifice by the Allied forces. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid.

My Uncle Ray went all the way from the beaches of Normandy to Berlin! ❤

Player #3524392
My mum was a teen in England living in the port city of Plymouth. She said you could hear the thrum of the engines all day. In preparation, the many petrol stations needed for the operation were disguised as ice cream shops.

Player #2802094
FunkyMonkey, my father was part of this and went on until he got to belson concertration camp as did many

it was not an invasion, it was the debarquement to rescue from the german invasion!!!!

a bit confusing the way its been written..my grandad was in Normandy RIP David Austin u were a brave man...🙇♀️💌

Deadpool X Force
Many men died on that beach....yet still made it
What these men went though just to save our country
And it’s weird that when hitler was young (10) he wanted to be a florist

princessjamielee09, aha my sweet princess those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it

Today is Veterans day. I give thanks to all people who put on a uniform and protect our country.

Since there seems to be confusion about the definition of the word, "invasion." When a country or army enters another country with the goal of taking over control. Operation Overlord, June 6, 1944, WAS an invasion, and is referred to as the D-Day Invasion. Everything about WWII is more important than debating semantics (the world's most pointless endeavor).

Happy Veterans Day today! (Monday, November 11, 2024) and Thank you to all of our veterans who have kept our country free!!!

Player #137846770
Player #3524392, that's smart

Correct, not an invasion, but an incredible feat nonetheless.

Player #130998363, When one-third to one-half the population of a foreign country is squatting illegally in your country, that is not immigration, that is an invasion.

Jevo, They would be sickened. America was once a God-fearing nation, full of people with values, principles, and convictions. People who knew right from wrong, and who chose to do right more often than not. They were decent, upright people. Today, Americans are selfish, entitled, loud, ill-mannered, and morally bankrupt. Our culture is in the gutter--vile, disgusting, and as always, demeaning to women. The Greatest Generation would move to Canada.

Player #130998363
We got an invasion right now at southern and Northern borders of the USA

Jenn Natalia
Maggie Doll, Allied forces were invading the German occupation of France. We do not use grammar in this way but it is proper

CruddyGrunt79038, I’ve never even heard of Operation Neptune. Interesting…

my father was there he was part of the invasion of Normandy served in world war II. God rest his soul... he was very proud of his country and proud to have served

CruddyGrunt79038, It was NOT an 'invasion', it was liberation from occupying, and most unwelcome, rforces.

Many people fought and died for our freedom in that war. I wonder what they'd make of the world today...

Player #3524392, because it say d-day

J Bradly
Thank God for these hero’s. I’m not convinced our current younger generation would be brave enough to take on such a monumental task.

Omaha Beach was another diversion. the Germans knew an invasion was coming but they weren't sure of where, so they had to spread their forces around to several places.

Joyous one
Deadpool X Force, they should've encouraged, might've changed history

Player #45303196, Brilliant !! sending love from the UK 🇬🇧

Paltoysoldier, the French wanted the invasion more than anybody. look at the reception the allies got when they landed. the legal French government was in London

Sibbo, they invaded German occupied France. the allies did not invade Germany. look at a map

feab, what are you talking about? coming ashore under horrific enemy fire is an invasion period

Player #43584441
8675bogus, that would be the next few indoctrinated generations... :(

Player #35387966
What a great day in the history of the free world. We freed other countries from the Nazi's.

Player #45303196
Player #33650272, Who hates Britain in France ? We love them. They were our favorite enemies for centuries.

Deadpool X Force, and

Player #32318876
My pop, was in the Royal Navy during this on the minesweepers, he never talked too much about it. I asked him what did he say when ww2 ended, he said simply Thank God.

Player #33650272
And so many French people hate Britain?

Player #22589120
My parents were married on the day after D-Day, June 7, 1944 in Rolla, Missouri.

Player Diver Dan
OG Antifa, bustin' up a large group of White Supremacist Fascists....

The question asked what country was invaded not what army did they fight. Pretty simple question.

Player #26253444
masterridley, well we all know he hated himself...who knows if he was....