What year witnessed the deaths of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana?
Correct answer: 1997

i remember when they both died. the ironic point was that they knew each other as Diana and a group of people had gone with her to see Mother Theresa in person a couple of times i believe i remember to give the sisters of charity money and medical supplies. what a sad year that was to lose both Diana and Mother Theresa.

It was a very sad day.

Player #1689881
the loss of mother Theresa was quite saddening and Princess Diana both were giving loving women

Player #2302284
Both of them were precious people. Mother was a saint at least to me way before the Pope canonized her. Diana had a down to earth spirit. Taking her boys out to see how people really live who weren't blest to be royal and live in a palace.

PuliceneEnemy71449, Dont be disrespectful! You don't know what she went through during her marriage to Prince Charles! She was beautiful!

A true saint

Player #4333481
I was wed the day after Lady Di died so very memorable. I also then learned of Mother Teresa's death. She is a saint and the more you learn about her, the more you're in awe!

Almost every time, Mother Theresa's death would have big, headlining news; but since Princess Diana had been killed in a car crash just days before , she completely eclipsed the news of Mother Theresa's passing.

mareze, yes it was a sad day

Christopher Hitchens made a great documentary about Mother Theresa. Look it up!

Vic, not where dictators are concerned.

Monikah95, I thought he treated her badly and felt that the crown should have bypassed Charles & gone to William.

I remember princess Diana death forever. I had just graduated from high school and my mom cried all night long. now I understand why.

so sad they both died, truly a sad day in our planet's course of our human and world history. The year 1997 was also the year that the United Kingdom gave Hong Kong back to China...

didn't even knew Mother Teresa died that same year.

Lynne7047, not day's a couple of months??

Player #11605432, no one human is perfect but we all have some good and bad in us,don’t we?

Player #49699886
Both were equally and sad events to remember. They contributed and gave much to the world around them for the better

Player #31160565
Player #8553765, my dad died in 97. Alzheimer's, fell broke his hip. I was crushed, TOOK his death hard.

Sandy Mulholland
sad year in my life.....

mareze, which day ?

Player #36346636
Birth name Gonxhe Bojaxhi

Player #41631437
WilledGazelle9, and the drunk and coked up driver

Player #11605432, I have to agree with you there!!!

Player #18343471
My father died on that day, as well

kelloggs 4791
I remember when Diana died. I was just 6 yrs old when she got married, I followed her my whole life and I cried like a baby when I watched her funeral on tv.

Quiz master's favourite topics: Princess Diana, U2, dogs and the Titanic

yomama, Made a Diana one too

Player #8553765
My Son Was Born In 1997

Player #11605432
mother theresa was an absolutely terrible person. look it up.

I won't ever forget when Princess Diana was killed in that accident in Paris. It's like September 11th 2001 or November 22nd 1963. They're all adhered to my memory forever. All extremely sad moments in history.

the damn paparazzi.

Sonicgirl, duh

Player #6616037
Will never forget, ‘‘twas my birthday. Our celebration turns into mourning 😶

Player #8164039
Knew the answer , press the wrong answer

It's strange yet true, that Mother Theresa should die falling off her Harley Davidson. We miss you honey !

Player #5920261
Persona, Persona, who are you referring to?? They are both known as wonderful humanitarians! Shame on you for your thoughtless insult to either one of these fine women.

Dianna Bella74
Both true humanitarians sadly one's life was cut way to short. God Bless Mother Teresa for her amazing efforts.