Who was Jack Ruby?
Correct answer: Killer of Lee Harvey Oswald

it was all part of a conspiracy and they didnt want Oswald to talk the Warren commission has it wrrong Oswald did not act alone thats why he was killed so many died strange deaths Look up Monrow and Dorthy Killigan both died the dame way

I wonder why he brought his dogs along & what happend to them?

I remember every second of this historical tragic event. Mostly remember finding out our president JFK was dead. Being from Boston, it hit harder. I do believe that was the end of innocence for our country in so many ways.

Player #1443092, I also remember seeing this "live action.". It took a few minutes for me to comprehend what I had witnessed. It's amazing how much history baby boomers are associated with and a part whether being right there or through the great equalizer known as live TV.

Player #1302095
allegedly ruby knew he had cancer and wad promised that his family would be taken care of after he was gone if he shut Oswald up before he could talk to the Warren commission.
guess we'll never really know.

conspiracy??? everybody wanted JFK to be president he was gonna make this country great... notice they kill all the great ones

Player #11503902
Player #1302095, If you watch the film footage of the Dallas police beginning to transfer Oswald, you will see that the police took absolutely no precautions or even cleared out the area of the station they would be taking Oswald. In addition, Ruby simply walked right into the station and appeared to know exactly where to go to get to Oswald. It clearly looks like either complete police incompetence or a setup or both.

Player #1949300
DarkVirgo7360, yea, Dorothy Killgallen, was a journalist. She was about to print the REAL truth about the JFK assassination...She was also a regular on "What's My Line" game show...

Player #11503902
Ringoking12658, There is never a presidential election where “everyone” wants one specific candidate to win. Hoover, head of the FBI, the mafia, as well as the ever ambitious Johnson certainly did not want JFK to be re-elected.

DarkVirgo7360, ....Lots of people agree with you and think the mafia was behind the whole thing.

Eric the red
TJ SISTA, My mom went to the same high school as Lee, and she used to beat him up also.

I can't believe there are so many people who are trying to make JFK blameless for Vietnam. It is ridiculous to keep trying to blame someone else for JFK's actions. Kennedy substantially increased the American presence in Vietnam. He sent such a large number of military advisors that it violated the Geneva convention. He doubled military money to Vietnam and he authorized the use of herbicides (AGENT ORANGE).

Giggle Pig
Player #11146724, I’m sorry I’m really sorry I know how time can fog the memory – believe me I do but there were no film cameras running when Kennedy was shot. You remember seeing the Zapruder video when it finally was made available.

Giggle Pig
Peaches, everyone except George Bush Senior.

Giggle Pig
Tryn, one day you’ll mature stop focusing on the hate your teachers are teaching you. I love the Indians as much as anyone, but human nature will dictate that the strong will take and the week will die.
Particularly I like the Cherokees .

Giggle Pig
Player #47990899, this owns white conservative guy really regrets the assassination of Martin Luther King Junior. I thought he was a great man.

Jethrine321, my main concern also.

Jethrine321, Me too,he supposedly loved his dog,they got it wrong he only had 1 dog

Cali 06
The government had him killed because he didn't want to keep the American people from knowing about the UFO's they were covering up.

Player #130998363
RFK Jr says his dad Robert Kennedy and JFK were both CIA hits.

Ren, I was 10 years old and I remember watching it on TV and yes even a 10 years of age I it didn't register with me at first

Jethrine321, that was my question as well

Player #92723922
I saw it happen live on TV. It happened so fast that at first, I wasn't sure what I had actually seen.

I was born at Parkland

Player #118103951
My mother's birthday is Nov. 22nd. We were living in Germany at the time (I was less than a year old) so my parents didn't find out about Kennedys' assassination until the 23rd.

Ringoking12658, your right

Player #82905928
All of Dorothy Killgallen's notes from where she had interviewed Oswald were strangly "missing" when her home was searched. Don't tell me this wasn't a conspiracy!

DarkVirgo7360, also look up Charles Harrelson!

Player #1949300, I agree with you on all of them except JFK Jr that was his own fault he shouldn't have flown by himself that night that's why the Bissette family sued and won

Player #1949300, So true.

nimblemoon, Really wouldn't doubt it how corrupt people are. We need more Godly people... more kindness and honesty.

Player #1949300, People are so messed up and crooked. Too bad for sure.

Player #11503902, Who knows for sure right?

Ringoking12658, I know so sad and unfortunate honest Abraham Lincoln even.

Player #83925953
It's ALWAYS hard to accept what we see with our own eyes. It's much easier to think that something else or someone else is pulling the strings even when just the strings are right there before your eyes. Conspiracy is so much easier to except by most people.

what happened to his dogs? poor dog's!

if you want to read the real truth of what happened that day, read "Who really killed JFK, The case against LBJ. The day Oswald was shot, Nixon knew LBJ was involved. ( Ruby had worked for LBJ for over 20 years!)

Player #47990899
Player #1949300, Martin Luther King Jr. was assainated April 4th 1968, then RFK in June of that same year!!!! WOW so so SAD

DistressedHunter8576, The end of innocence? So slavery, and mass execution and rape of Native Americans didn't do it for you? 🙄

Jack Bey
look up the interview with James E. Files....an incarcerated inmate at Jolleiet prison describes that he was the shooter on the grassy knoll for the mob.