Which U.S. President said, "I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself."?
Correct answer: Ronald Reagan

Player #4250921
Republicans cut taxes but don't necessarily control spending. Democrats raise taxes and increase spending. Neither model works. The only way to do it is to increase revenue and reduce spending. I don't think either party has the political will to do what needs to be done.

Player #4943928
Player #4250921, perfect. I would add you can’t TRUST either side to do the right thing. The American people have NO representation.

Player #4250921
Player Ejag, When Obama took office in January 2009, the national debt was 10.63 trillion dollars. When he left office eight years later, the debt was 19.95 trillion. Not quite double but definitely pretty close. Those are facts.

Player HRH
knowbrains, when Obama left office it was around $18 trillion, now 3 years later it is at around $26 trillion, so there is that.

These comments are amusing. Most of the information, folks who write in this "section" offer up inaccurate facts, outdated info and "Alternative Facts" which has the biggest platform ever...Social Media! Folks read one article and they think they are a member of MENSA. No one cares to do legit research nor put in the time and unwavering effort to report accurate and bias free information.
This is the era of "Alternative Facts (a big word for 'Lies') and extreme yellow journalism.

a highly subjective explanation for the answer

Reagan quadrupled the national debt by the end of his 2nd term (800 billion to 3.2 trillion) and did so in peacetime. Did it by more than halving income taxes on the rich (70 to 28) and massively increasing military spending.

armadillo , Correct. His policies lifted all economic classes.

Qinshihuang, Wasn't "peace time". This was the height of the Cold War.

HaveFun, Reagan was the beginning of the end of working class people being middle class.

Qinshihuang, Peacetime is a little bit of a misnomer. It was the capstone of the Cold War, and there was a huge stockpiling of weapons that doubled the military budget during his first term in office. It is true that there was no actual declaration of war; however, maintaining a defensive position is still expensive. Costly in dollars, yes, but it kept the USA out of war and saved lives. Can we attribute, "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall", to Reagan? I think he deserves some of the credit for that success. Money wisely spent. well played Mr President, Well played.

lori, Totally agree!

not sure I'm playing this game to hear the author's political opinion. can we leave it at trivia?

I like Ronald Reagan, thanks to him I refinanced my house from 13.5% to 9%….He did a great job as Ca governor and one of the best Presidents 👍🏻in my humble opinion !

An has it yet?? I don't believe so peoples 😣!

It doesn’t matter what anyone does now. We are in training for Communism.

President Reagan (R) was thé BEST President

Bill, and before 1979

Player HRH, no c.v. for them to deal with.prez obama did deal with sars, bird flu,swine flu
by doing.....nothing.

Player HRH
Player #8400550, not really true. The parties we have today were not the parties that were around when slavery was a thing or when the KKK was developed. There was a conservative Democrat party during that time and when talking about the parties in the past its more intellectually honest to use "the conservative party" and "the liberal party" as the parties were different then.

knowbrains, I take it you are a proponent of Chump's "policies" as "president?"

Player #12993116
Diver Dan, Really??

Player #4250921, I do believe you are right..