Why did no one come to the party Stephen Hawking hosted on June 28, 2009?
Correct answer: He only invited time travelers.

Bird Brain 007
R.I.P. One of the greatest scientific minds of the 20th century

Brilliant man. I went to a lecture by him and got to meet him after. You could see in his eyes that his body was not holding him back.

did anyone notice the image gives the answer away?

That doesn't mean time travel isn't possible. Perhaps no one wanted to go to his party. It's more likely an introvert would time travel, and they hate parties.

Maybe they were invisible! :)

Rest in peace 🙏

Depends.... maybe he sent the invitations to the wrong people? 😛

Awesome. that's the most interesting thing I've learned from this game.

I think the banner in the picture gave the answer away!

Answer is in the picture

Titi, smiling, Have you read Terry Pratchett? He goes on about 'the trousers of time'. Basically the idea, that a decision leads to a split in the timelines. Heinlein did it too. Got to go, my alternate persona is calling....

Lionessa, Dr who fan?

Yeah, there's no banner on my screen, either. Just the blue and silver balloons like someone else got.

He survived his great affliction by throwing himself into his work, and a really wicked sense of humor.

Anxiety Salsa
maybe they changed the image or my phone is not great but I don't see any banner giving anything away.

How do we know that his whole life wasn't just a propaganda hoax?

HIPPIE CHICKEN, they must have edited the picture by my time Feb. 2024, because all I see is Hawking alone in a large room with blue and silver balloons, no banner.

BroDogGod, no how?

nimblemoon, how?

SkyeWarrior, I was visiting Pompeii that day. Came home crispy...

considering what would happen to a person caught time traveling, nobody would dare admit they had.

The smartest man on the planet is a fool compared to God

StarPlaty, brilliant answer

Player #29152846
WDA, well Captain Kirk and others have traveled to the future, lol

i wonder who did he send the invitations to? and how? how could he know who will be time travelers and can you find it on the internet today?

Tina M.
Mars V, there's no banner on my screen.

Mars V
mrh923, what banner?

Mars V
Bluly, what sign?

Mars V
HIPPIE CHICKEN, what banner?

Mars V
BroDogGod, no

I knew this answer as soon as I read the question cuz this is one of my favorite things about Stephen Hawking I had ever read. RIP to an incredible mind and a man with a powerful sense of humor.

Penny, it's an open invite, just don't be late like I was.

StarPlaty, I think someone would have gone, if only to meet a historical figure.

BroDogGod, howso???

HIPPIE CHICKEN, there's no banner - they've removed it.

Perhaps he sent the invitations to the wrong people or they couldn't make it then, Time Travelers are busy people!

Quizzoneer FfF
False, he did NOT invite me.👽

He was a brilliant person, but alas, time travelers only time travel backwards through the space-time continuum, not forward in time, unless if you're cryogenically frozen in time...

I still have a problem with this. If a time traveler received an invitation, and attended, then a new time line would have been created. Leaving intact the old time line, and rendering this “experiment” quite useless as it is presented.
And Hawking’s theory that all of everything is just going to keep expanding until we all fly off into nothingness demonstrates a brilliant mind that can extrapolate known data into ridiculous assumptions.

Str8UpDenay, He wasn't as smart as he thought he was then. Sad.