How many stomachs does an ant have ?
Correct answer: 2

The ones around my house have a lot shorter lifespan.

had no idea they lived so long....geez

I dislike ants... i sat my feet in an antbed and became lunch and had to get meds in me,lol... totally my fault but red ants HURT! :P

When I was a kid, I wanted, not a dog, but an ant farm, the prevailing fad at the time. I got neither.

Player #9442102
Player #913201, when I was young I kept hearing this cruching noise at night. I told my parents who at first did not believe me. Then my dad pried a board from under the window on my room. A bunch of black carpenter ants fell out! They chewed a big hole in the wall.

( Snail Darter)
[bobbo16], I stepped on one while barefoot....”Fire” Ant is a very appropriate name for them....

( Snail Darter)
Player #913201, I have a lot of fat Wall Geckos that make short work of any unfortunate ant that happens to get in the house......

You know when they have invaded your home, in large numbers they tend to give off a sweet aroma reminiscent of honey or maple syrup.

pretty sure ants share the dubious honour of being one of two species (the other being, er, us) that wage war on their own kind.. heard that long ago as a kid, so don't quote me :)

Too bad humans don't emulate any behavior!

WaldoLydeker, Aw, too bad. You could get one now, though.

Cha Cha
MALICE, Yes they do really hurt, it hurts for a few days after when I've been bitten and a big red bump 😣

Player Gigi #28446253
efunk, coming from W Washington I didn't know about poisonous insects. We moved to Central California when I was 11. found an ant hill in front of the house, very interesting, they were red stinging ants. I quickly learned that some insects aren't to be investigated with bare hands! Ouch!

( Snail Darter), One of the many reasons I love my geckos. 🤔Maybe why I have GEICO Insurance for our vehicles and house. Love their commercials too! 🤪

Fun guy
Gary: genetics & archeology. you will learn much from that.

Player #2512936
Read this book:. Adventures Among Ants. It is informative and hilarious.

both stomachs are empty in about 1 hour if the ant has chop suey and egg rolls for lunch..
seriously.. if you wat to learn about ants and other social insects.. look up E.O. Wilson

Wikipedia says male ants only live a few weeks...

faithfulservant, you’re so funny lol

Player. Ty
I had one when I was a kid

faithfulservant, also in our house, i like to kill them all because they impested our clothes... mostly our food

( Snail Darter)
WaldoLydeker, I had three of them over the years......Interesting creatures to watch.

why do some people always assume that different species always evolve from other species? without evidence there can be no fact!