What is the temperature of the solar core?
Correct answer: 27 Million Degrees Fahrenheit
I was only off by 23.5 million...
Answers should be given in Fahrenheit and Celsius.
Player #3582115,
'Solar' refers to Sun...
Mars V
You could fry an egg!
Bet it's hard to get an ice 🧊 cube there...
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, And many of us, like myself, are cogent in both imperial and metric measurements. I was first schooled in imperial measurements before Trudeau Senior changed Canada to measure in metric.
Questions that only show Fahrenheit disadvantage a lot of quizzers. This should be changed.
Tremain White
fact: the core of our own planet is hotter than the surface of our sun.
how do they know? I mean how do they get the info? it's not as if anyone has ever been there!!
Player #41683953
great place to suntan..diana in rainy seattle. happy Turkey day everyone
Byrde Alpha Bitch
ColonelSwak, millwallmarty is correct & your words prove his point. It is still a guess, an educated guess at best. Not a hard fact.
Soleil10001, ⁸