Traditionally, the Italian dish Saltimbocca contains which meat?
Correct answer: Veal

Wrapped in prosciutto means its pork as well as chicken!

++Littlejohnny++, humans have always been omnivores... vegetarianism is usually a choice

Sumica, shaming meat eaters doesn't help.

I am from Greece but I have never even heard of something similar to that as a traditional dish in my country. And there is no prosciutto here either.

Sumica, come on man. we eat unborn chickens and tear apart cows

Shame on me then, cause that sounds yummy. Where’s the rifle? Time to make dinner.

++Littlejohnny++, Though you are right; We, as humans, have had a choice since the Levitical Law and later on. I was raised to eat meat, though in my older life, I eat more legumes and certain veggies.

yep, in this case wikipedia misinforms. It is def not a greek dish

Player #588146, horrific is an understatement. 😭

NoddyAssFruitcake99, Not to mention corn. To grow so tall and majestic just to be cut down in its prime😋

It’s wrapped in bacon. That’s pork!

Mars V
Looks like chicken breast to me.

Why all the food questions when I've just woken up and I'm ravenous?

Player #97184361
masterridley, It’s said it can be found in Greece which means one can get an order in restaurants but it’s not native. Chef’s treat cooking dishes as exciting experiments. Is there a law against that. ? ! ! !

TwistedZombie81425, and a good one.

lazygirlluxe, isn’t it technically cured ham?

Player #44565732
Player #24358685,lol that's just too funny!

Player #38618593
I don't eat veal, pate' or lamb anymore. My protest against the methods of production.

Player #35709823
Player #6198133, I've been to Italy and there I had a tasty bit of horsemeat, remember people in different countrys eat all different sought of meat

the bacon on top doesn't come from a dinosaur...

my bocca is watering now..

AutumnalCrust12, it just leaves more for the people with the tast for delicious food like me

GI Joe
Player #21379861, eggs sold for consumption are not fertilized. It's essentially a chickens period.

Player #28388161
It is not a Greek dish.

Player #18659541
thought it was pork but what do i know 😁

Player #6198133, I never eat veal, nor do I eat lamb. Indeed, they are both baby animals.

Player #24358685
mimsdawun, that's why I support the international ban on waterboarding livestock under six months of age. I hope we can all agree that we should never condone such behavior under any circumstances.

Player #24358685
CaptivatingSodium9, the yummy ones!

Player #24358685
Player #20168500, the prosciutto is a thin slice on a thin cut of veal (though much thicker than the prosciutto). The veal is the focus of the dish. The prosciutto is just an accent. Technically yes, there is pork, but veal is the primary meat.

Player #24358685
CityGent77, it's pork and veal. The American sacrilege of replacing veal with chicken is an atrocity. I'm American, and I always wonder if chicken is used because it's chesper; because we supposedly lack the discernment between veal and chicken; and/or someone decided that a bird's life is somehow less than a young cow's. The original is vastly superior. And it can use grass-fed.

Player #20168500
prosciutto means pork

CityGent77, no chicken in saltimbocca. 😊

TwistedZombie81425, oh. that's true. love all. fruits.vegetables .and meats..steak.seafood.fried chicken.home made breads and on and on

The dish looks awesome! Keto friendly too!👍

As a roman, i can confirm that it's made with veal and prosciutto.

Sumica, u r stoopid

the only consistent part is the prosciutto- the park!