What is the official state sport of Alaska?
Correct answer: Dog-mushing

PrettyGirl1of1, i don't know about everybody else but i enjoy hearing about other peoples life experiences, I'm sure many people feel the same.

I had the chance to ride in a sled with a driver and 6 dogs across a glacier in Alaska. If you see the Malamute dogs in that setting its easy to tell that they absolutely live to run. Also as a side note, l learned that old glaciers like the one we were on are actually blue in their cores, it was gorgeous. A at the top of the glacier we were all shedding heavy snow jackets, double thick sweaters etc. and opting for the last layers of tshirts with flannel shirts. It really wasn't that cold. Okay, Ill shut up for now but just wanted to say that my experience didn't include any mistreated dogs. They were big teddy bears and enjoyed getting to know us almost as much as the sleigh ride.

FunkyMonkey, Thanks for encouraging others to learn. Laziness in learning seems to be the norm these days.

my son didn't like any sport so in grade school we looked up what he could do a report on. he chose this. we learned a lot together.

Player #7387015
E=MC2, those dogs don't run if they don't want to. and if you're not pulling your weight (yes, the human has to work too), they will stop and just look at you

Doesn't it also commerate the race to get serum to Nome?

These dog teams are amazing to watch. Should be part of Olympics.

PrettyPenny$, I have not seen the documentary, but it sounds counterproductive. If the dogs were only fed rancid eels, how could they possibly have the strength to pull those very heavy sleds. I have heard the opposite. This is a sport, that requires strong teamwork between dogs and their handler. The dogs have to be in great shape to run the long race, while pulling a lot of weight. How could the dogs begin to do that, coexisting on spoiled food? It would be similar to a successful athlete surviving on junk food.

Kitten666, Not for everyone. To my knowledge the dogs in this sport are not abused; rather it is a sport of team work between dogs and humans. However, I agree animals are being abused and killed into extinction. It is tragically cruel and wrong. A world without all of the amazing endangered species would be such a loss for future generations. A world where these beautiful animals only existed in the prison of a zoo, would also be tragic.

Player Love53, those dogs are treated better than some people treat their kids.

my father in law had a few teams when he wasn't driving semi's across the US, he and the family loved the racing pups, but someone had to hate on their happiness and poisoned the last team of dogs they had. Sad but true. Go Dad!! we love you 😍

Meeerp, these dogs are tortured!! People have no idea!!!

I asked for no sports. And no tv but I keep getting those questions. I watch neither of those things. Annoying

Player #10745642, If only everyone believed this. What has happened to people that they have no compassion for other living beings ? It's a me, me, me world !

I love the Alaskan Malamutes, they're just lovely dogs.

Iditarod! I didn't rod!

should give more than 1 change to get the answer right

✚я€ɨɲą✚, I agree that's why I read the comments sometimes I learn something

SparkyChaz2018, do you know how many dogs die in this "sport?"

kids were going to die if they didn't get meds which a dog that never did a sled race before got the meds to the kids and is a hero still today for pulling a double shift to help those kids.

I would LOVE to do this and help or be in the Iditarod!

Burger king is delicious you should try it out

Kitty Golightly
I up vote the question if I find the information following the question to be informative.

I knew that and missed it

Player #10745642
PETA says it best...Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, USE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, or abuse in any other way

Player #10745642
SparkyChaz2018, These dogs are sometimes
raced to death. Animals should never be used for entertainment of humans

Dogs is mah dawgs

Player #41045584
Speak for your Grandma...

Player #38602396
I've been to Alaska and I wished I could have stayed.

Dog-Mushing??? This could offend all dogs, and honestly, ME, I love dogs. I wouldn't want to end their lives!!!!!

The Ididarod race kills so many dogs it should be called The I-killed-a-dog race.

Player #34910076
It is 2021 and I read that this race is now cancelled.

Player #34073785
Player #29793410, yes I remember learning about it in school and it is a very cool historical thing

Player #31312478, The human is taking a chance on dying too. They live for race day, I'm sure.

Player #29793410
the Iditarod was started to honor the dyptheria run to Nome in 1925, not as an endurance test. I lived in Anchorage in 1973.

MarzipanPeddler93602, very true. I lived in anchorage for several years and saw this firsthand. I honestly hope I come back as a sled dog

Mrs Black
the Iditarod travels across the same route those who carried life saving serum to Nome to treat diphtheria. it's portrayed in the movie Balto

Guillermo Jr.
Brune9104, now that's a good idea!

Player #31916901
I am very interested in the game but it is kind of hard for me because I don’t know the answer,But not all people are smart 😌🥳

Player #30729339
I'm from Alaska yes we have two of the longest dog team races but if you ask us locals what's our state sport they would say Hockey not dog mushing.