The fictional 'Shermer High School' features in which of these films?
Correct answer: The Breakfast Club

Amy Farmer
great movie

The Breakfast Club is such a classic ❣ I could never get sick of watching it 😍💞

if you haven't seen it or haven't seen it in awhile, watch it. it holds up amazingly well. the characters are just as relatable today as they were in 1985.

Player #521748
Amy Farmer, Defenitly one of my faves of all time!!

good movie good music

Excellent movie. God I miss the 80s

It was filmed at Glenbrook North High School, 2300 Sheremer Rd. in Northbrook, IL, and Maine North High School, in Des Plaines, IL.

"What do you see us as you want to see us...Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club."

Player Tennyfire13e1
A wonderful movie, it showed all of the stereotypes that occurred in high school. " no dad about you!" a great job of acting

love this movie!!!

Player #137846770
Missy K, yes Sheedy was mesmerizing in this part. My favorite line..."They ignore me" speaking of her parents.

Cat Mom
They sure made a killing on it for their time! And those 5 teens were all superstars! But I was thinking that it had Robert Downey Jr. in it. Must've been a different movie?

love John Hughes movies, 😁🍿

one of my favorite movies!!!

spygirl9000, I lived right down the street from Maine North for a while, and loved the movie. Was like Ally's character in school, except was legit in detention 😉

one of John Hughes best movies ♥️

Fantastic movie. Classic John Hughes. There is nothing out of place in "The Breakfast Club" Every character starts as a stereotype, but they evolve right in front of your eyes and you see them as real people. Great cinematic work. Love the 80's!!!

The building that was used in the movie is now used by special Olympics, I used to work there.

still one of my favorite movies

Don't you forget about me....

My favorite movie while I was in high school 85-87 CARSON HIGH COLTS IN THE CITY OF CARSON CLASS OF 87!!

An absolute classic, they don't make em like they used too😍

Roberta Ann
🎶 "Don't you forget about me . . ."🎶 ✌

Player #36797739
Shermer High School was also same High School Gary &Wyat went to in john hughes other hit weird science

Player #30304101
great movie I enjoyed. to bad kids today can't find some common ground, adults too that just because we are very different from each that we can do still learn from each other and get along with others no matter how different such as cliques, race, creed, religion, rich or poor or heaven forbid what political party we are for

Molly Ringwald.. always adorable

It's awesome an a keeper to watch on a rainy day. I have done just that, an plan on doing it again...

one of my all time favorites. 80's had some classic movies

love this movie! 🙂🙂

I miss the 80s too.

Love this movie. Judd Nelson is so funny and really makes the movie. This movie never gets old because all high schools have cliques and it shows that anyone, no matter what type of person they are can get in trouble at school and get detention for it, and if you want the time to go by faster you’ll socialize with kids you normally wouldn’t and find out you didn’t know them as well you you think.

Player #15356356
Guzzi Gal, The 80's was the decade for everything-music, fashion, movies,etc....

def in my top fav.. & Judd was at his sexiest lol

Missy K, I liked when the bolony hit and stuck on the statues face!

Absolutely Love this move. I am a person that grow up right in the middle of the 80's. Talk about a "Great time to be Alive"!

Shorty Girl
Definitely one of my favorite movies ever. I am an eighties child and I am a fan of all of John’s movies.

spygirl9000, Wasn't Ferris Buellers filmed there too?

Eckhar The Black Gen
Amy Farmer, sherm-shermer I just got it