What is the name of the mad scientist who created the Daleks who have caused trouble for Dr. Who since 1963?
Correct answer: Davros

Player #8258475
Player #96919, I remember as a little girl hiding behind the couch when the cybermen appeared. Scary but fun :)

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Whovians of the world unite!!!

VividPotion6704, oh but they can now they can hover/fly.

such a hard question since ive been a whovian since i was 4

When I was a kid, they were scary but not as much as the Cybermen! That was definitely "watch through your fingers" time, and they're just as scary today!!

#4Tom Baker was the best Dr. 10 is a close second

Player #97184361
VividPotion6704, They can’t also make individual decisions either. We are truly safe for now. ! ! !

VividPotion6704, they can fly now

thou the Klingons do turn out to be not too bad, in the later Star Trek series... on fact Lt Worf is a very nice guy. I think

my favourite show of all time

S3Gway, Davros was introduced in the 70's

Byrde Alpha Bitch
stashio2020, You are missing out on a brilliant show, your loss.

Maupassant, they hovered in 'Doomsday '

Player #7850667
Had my picture taken with three Daleks at Rose City (Portland, Or) Comi-Con.

Maupassant, they don't need to - easier for them to obliterate the building.

Player #96919
VividPotion6704, The Daleks and The Cyber Men used to be my favourite villians

Player Elf Counsel
VividPotion6704, I remember the very first episode. And the opening scene. It was in a classroom where the Doctor's granddaughter was attending school.

but they can't go up stairs! so they can't ever take over the universe... we are safe 😀😄