How long did Pope John Paul I serve?
Correct answer: 33 days

Player #1081396
who knows how good of a pope he could have been, except for his death

So sad, because he was focused. His successor , an avid skier from Poland went on to be a great Saint.

Player #33292972
Player #8389894, me and my sisters went into Boston to see Pope John Paul II. It was amazing, so many people there you couldn’t put your arms up even to brush away your hair. It started pouring right as he got there and continued the whole time he was there. The minute he left it just stopped as if someone was shutting the faucet off. I think we were being tested to see if we could endure the buckets of rain pouring down on us or run to take cover. Everyone stayed.🙏

redshoes, actually Peter and many others gave their lives for the Catholic Church. Peter was crucified.

Gary, me too. justmeloriali

* Seshati *
The young pope & the new pope seem to be semi biographical shows. I’m no expert & not particularly religious I prefer historical content but when I watched an episode of the new pope a while back I looked it up & realised it seems to be built on some facts. Upon reading a little I think he was killed it’s not uncommon but an unfortunately timed heart attack is also very possible too, I guess it’s something we may never know.

Gary, Try looking it up to get information. I It won't take you long and will give you knowledge. It's not bloody rocket science!!

Player #8389894
Player #4047702, Not John XXIII, it was Paul VI.

Player #4047702
Because of his death, there were three popes in 1978. Pope John xx111, Pope John Paul 1 and Pope John Paul 11 who reigned for 25 years.

I believe his successor Pope John Paul II was the second greatest Pope's, next to Peter, whom Christ chose to lead the Church.