Which TV sitcom had a theme song which opened with the line, "People Let me tell you 'bout my best friend"?
Correct answer: The Courtship of Eddie's Father

Player #48458
Player #5080443, I really liked that show it showed how a child reared by his dad could be responsible and enjoy a great father son relationship

Player #48458, I also remember that show very well with Bill Bixby before he was The Hulk. It was always good.

ellavision1, there was a movie in the early 60s before the series with Glenn Ford as the dad, Shirley Jones, and Ron Howard

I was really young, but Courtship and Family Affair were favorites. They very well written for the late 60's early 70's, as they address the different family dynamics that men took. up til then, it was unheard of for a MAN to raise children alone!! (god forbid!)

There was a movie first, before it became a TV show.

Harry Nilsson died too young. Great musician.

ProofDervish6, I loved that and would watch it the re-runs when I was a kid.

Player Say what!?
I gotta see if it's being shown anywhere. Good show with a great theme song.

I LIKED THAT SHOW IT WAS VERY CUTE BUT IT ALSO SHOWED A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP Between Eddie and his dad. His dad was fun but also a good disciplinarian. I liked Bill Bixby a lot too.

Player #92723922
I liked that show and also the movie it came from.

Little Luna
What a fun, gentle show.
My six-year-old self had a huge crush on Bill Bixby!

Hunger Knowledge
I remember this show as a little boy myself. I liked Bill Bix

Player #49699886
Loved this show !

Never heard of this it’s not been shown in the uk