Which star cluster is known as "The Seven Sisters"?
Correct answer: The Pleiades

Plus the Subaru car logo pays tribute to this constellation. I thought I'd share that random trivia with you all.

Aww. Nice story...

Player #8988878Xet
that 'young star cluster'..the Seven Sisters..aka the Pleiades....is actually about 40 stars...check out Hubble's greatest hits....(humorous analogy).

Happy Larry
I thought that said pieladies

Nice trivia, I myself have two sisters, and their names are Angela and Julia

soptom, Nupe its a Most Indigeous peeps thing and aScienfitic thing 😉

Player #8988878Xet, I have read, in the past, it's possibly hundreds? 😉

it's a myth but in reality they used as directions like compas.

KAITLYNMARIA, Love my Subaru Impreza. Didn't know that about the logo.

Player Bengal Mama
Native American legend says they were seven sisters chased by the great bear up a giant tree. the bear is in the sky, too and the tree stump is the devil's tower. the sides of the tower were clawed by the bear.

KAITLYNMARIA, true, but apparently one of the seven stars in the constellation is not visible, which is why the Subaru logo uses 6 stars.

Lanoras From Mount S
KAITLYNMARIA, lovely &very informative.thank you.

Longball McShortShaft
The Pleiades of leisure

Our ancestral heritage

Oddly enough, Fuji Heavy Industries which later became Subaru, has the Pleiades on its logo.