Which famous magician was born on September 16, 1956?
Correct answer: David Copperfield

I guess his greatest trick was making himself disappear for the last few years. i can't remember the last time I saw him make an appearance.

Player Tamsen
In 1985, I was in a pageant in Buffalo, NY and he kissed me on the lips. I was young and so flabbergasted. Will never forget it.

his net worth is 800 million!!

I've literally never heard of any of the others, so this was easy lol

Player #11184418
Malaayna, never heard of Penn and Teller??

His show in Vegas is worth it. You will enjoy it because he is a great entertainer. I was skeptic at first, but now I changed my mind.

who follows magicians birthday?

Ben Younglamb
Our politicians make our taxes disappear like magic. More than Copperfield had earned.

serenastorm901, All these celebrities who are worth BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of $,£,€. and we have so much poverty in the world. THEY CANNOT TAKE IT WITH THEM. So why keep it in a bank.

I heard he is a little bit cuckoo for cocoa puffs in the head. Just sayin, but then again, who am I to criticize lol? He is awesome at his craft.

Player Tamsen, is he gay? I didn't know that... I thought that he dated women? okay

I used to watch his specials on TV! The man is amazing...and was cute, too! 😆

STEVE69, worth isn’t always “cash”, it’s mostly assets. Like his properties. He doesn’t have 800million, he’d have to sell everything including his business to access his worth. Why don’t people understand this? No offense. This should be taught.

JimmyLovesQL, Now, Copperfield teaches a form of magic to doctors and therapists called Project Magic.

two outstanding magicians ! surprisingly both first names start with David! David Copperfield and David Blaine.

We watched his show when he came to Sydney. To this day, I still can’t believe my eyes with his disappearing act 🤔

Ian Gettoga
In my teens I envied him a lot because he was dating supermodel Claudia Schiffer

Player #51328114
Player Tamsen, amazing

donna barlow
Player Tamsen, WOW! I think that would be close to the highlight of my life! Nice!

Wishing to go his way island

nkt ckll

Sonny Vistan
He disappears like magic beautifully well done.

What a random question!

Player #32551234
7i gjbjl

Player #2929570
He'll make your money disappear.

GI Joe
For such a small state Jersey sure does pump out a lot of talent.

Player #19472386
Agreat illusionist.

serenastorm901, not anymore it's a billion now

Player #16070670
David Seth kookiness???

Player #1240373
he can disappear and you wouldnt know it

Player Tamsen, and taa daa,pregnant

the word magic gave it away... of course its David Copperfield

nice history

Player #9931356
I still remember the incident years ago when he used sleight of hand to convince muggers he had no money, but watched while his female companions were robbed. what a man.