What military title precedes 'Sherman' in the name of one of the largest trees in the world?
Correct answer: General

It’s sad that we have cut others down.

Heartland Old Guy
275 feet tall, 130.6 foot circumference.

I learn a lot. Very informative. It’s a great game

:(Nancy E):
One place I’ve been and have seen this tree. Sometimes trees are cut down just for their lumber, but sometimes they are a danger to other trees if they have a disease. Sometimes, unfortunately, we don’t know what we have till it’s gone, as the song goes. We appreciate these more now because of the rarity.

Player #8937977
InvaluableBook2, I agree with your love of trees. When in the woods, I find a peace of soul that saves mine. Some call us,"tree huggers", as if that's a bad thing! Mores the pitty for those simple minded sods.

have been there to see the Sherman tree and the grant tree many times
if you read the history of the discovery of the mariposa grove it's a pretty fun read

I have dreamed of someday getting to see the beautiful Redwoods and Sequoias. I doubt it'll ever happen now 😔 but I still have the wish.

It’s a LIVE tree so it’s constantly growing!

Flower Lady
When I was living in California I joined a group from Greenpeace, some of whom actually chained themselves to 6 giant live oaks. Guess you could call us tree huggers Anyway we saved those trees from the blade and bulldozer

Flower Lady
Those trees were slated to be razed needlessly. I was so proud when we won a court order to spare those mighty trees! Hope they're still standing!

:(Nancy E):, Jyst for record, the Sequoias are fire proof and disease proof due to their soft bark that retains water and no resin to burn. I lived there for 3 years and loved every moment!

Sandyberry, that tree was in Yosemite National Park. It later fell down.

john homes
people do you know why they can't grow any taller gravity the water can't get up that high

Player #120374466
:(Nancy E):, Well, there are neighboring trees that one day, will be just as big, tall and old!

Player #120374466
Interesting how the lifespan of these trees are over 3,000 years old.

It is great that this game opens our knowledge up to so many different things. And we learn more by following up with our own research. Such as this tree is probably more than 2200 years old. Wow

Sir Renity
If referring to General William T. Sherman, he's originally from my hometown of Lancaster, Ohio. The Sherman house is there.

Heartland Old Guy, thank you. I thought this was about the tree not about the person they named it after. So thanks for giving some info about the actual tree 🤗

Augustine James
Player. Ty, over 2000 I think

That is Sequoia Nat'l park...

brainiac61, Actually, I just "googled" it. It fell in a winter storm.

brainiac61, I could be wrong on this but I think they had to chop it down after it was struck by lightening?

Player #21836095
OzzysUndies, that's our clean air

CrayC 13
Player #25874027, I learn and sometimes get very sad.

Player #25874027
:(Nancy E):,
Have to be a big tree museum, as the song goes

OpalRabbit73086, in the tngass forest some of the helocks in the old growth part of the forest are purportedly 200 feet tall.not too late to see them.

Player #6852065, sorry, I don't like that it's not there, but I remember it. So amazing.

Player #6852065
Sandyberry, sadly, that redwood that you could drive through is no longer there.

My father-in-law had a picture of him with his car where he was driving through one of the big trees that had been cut thru but still was living. I can't recall the exact location but I know it was when he was young and a very long time ago.

:(Nancy E):, Big Yellow Taxi

bad no idea

micryspat, it gets larger every single day

Player #4402882
Heartland Old Guy, does anybody know y they don't grow any taller.

Silviu Adrian
Heartland Old Guy, And in normal people units of measure?

Player #2512936
Heartland Old Guy, amazing