Which famous diarist had a sister named Margot?
Correct answer: Anne Frank

missy189, my great aunt still has her number tatood on her arm. It was her 12 birthday when they took her and her family. She never saw her father again. She was raped by Japenese soldiers at 12. It is astounding to me that she is such a loving wonderful person after all she went through. She is Indonesian. They didnt just take the Jewish.

PointyDormouse60089, President Eisenhower told the photographers to take lots of pictures of the atrocities because one day someone would deny it's history. He was correct. The very denials are atrocities. People who re-write history are inviting the same occurrences.

AmbroseClan, you are correct. not many people realize that yes the jews were taken but also the gypsy people, homosexuals, Catholics, anyone that went against the Nazis and their allies.... so sad.... one sad sadstory that is known about that really happened at auchiwiez sorry i know i spelled It wrong, is about polish Catholic priest fr. maximillian kolbe. he volunteered to die in place of a jewish man that had a family and was killed along with nineteen others bcuz someone from their barracks had escaped and no one said anything. Fr. Kolbe and the others were starved to death....then after about 20 days fr. kolbe was still alive the nazis gave him a lethal injection to kill him and he finally perished. he is a saint in the Catholic church now.

LoudManager44161, my father was there in World War II his platoon open up the prisoners camps to get the living out over and over my father said but the soldiers asked the big generals why we have to keep letting them out doesn't take a whole platoon to do this and the generals all said because someday no one will believe that this happened and I want you to go home and tell everyone what you saw here so it never happens again

Player #2047250
When l was 13 my best friend told a teacher that she had the smallest feet we had ever seen. Teacher said, "Oh, they weren't that small before the Nazis cut my toes off". Then she showed us the number on her wrist. She was Polish and taught us Latin. lt was 47 years ago and l can still picture it as clear as day. l can even remember where we were standing in the hallway at school.

The Jews refuse to call it "The Holocaust" because that means "a burnt sacrifice". It was not a sacrifice, it was murder. So they call it "The Shoah", which means murder.

What a horrific life to live...and, I complain. Shame on me! I need to read that book, someday.

we must never forget and we must never let it happen again

HarleyMidgeyMom95., St Kolbe was said to convert some of the guards because while he and the others were being starved to death, instead of the regular screaming and terrible fights with each other, the prisoners were peaceful and even sang Marion hymns. This had a tremendous effect on the guards.

missy189, we all need to read or reread that book again once in a while. :)

little b
I've not heard of anne frank

chumley4, the picture gave away the answer.

Player #29400291, why did i think Lara jean first?😅

Player #130998363
October 7th 2023... Hamas slaughtered 1200 Israelis. it happened again. pathetic how these protesters have not been deported

I remember hearing that story about the priest when I was 20 years old, I went to go working in a nursing home. I took care of a lady that was Czechoslovakian. She was 100 years old boy was she feisty she could still fight on her days she would be very calm, when I first started to work with her I noticed she had a tattoo in her arm with numbers and she was over 600,000 and something and I asked her what did that number represent she told me it represented the 600 and something and something minus one ahead of her and she was correct. I cannot remember the numbers, but she minus one and she told me those were there before her, they killed her father her little brother the mother was fighting for the brother and they took her off never to be seen again. She come across her cousin the same happened to her family and then I started taking care of the cousin who was more alert about 10 years younger and her numbers were more than her cousins and she told me how many people before her got tattooed on their wrist I never knew that never heard that school did the holocaust and I had seen to know it existed, and my way of thinking way of thinking the Jewish people are ones who never complain about what was done to them. We have other race that’s always whining about what happened to their ancestors. These people were never given a chance to nothing they were murdered from the get-go I say, we shall never forget the holocaustdid happen and if we’re not careful, America is becoming so did happen and if we’re not careful, America is becoming so much like Germany

AmbroseClan, wow! Amazing story. Stand strong!

AmbroseClan, where was she when she was taken? the Japanese used 4 digits on pows they put it on their shirts

RockNRollMama82, I can't find where the Japanese tattooed their prisoners they put a 4 digit number on their shirts

mel, what he took out was Anne talking about the problems he and his wife were having and when Anne talked about exploring her body ( that was a less graphic way of describing it)

Maryam 5hah, and are still dying inhumanly

nimblemoon, they used to, I’m not sure many do anymore. WW2 and all it’s horrors is taught in all German schools now. It isn’t hidden anymore. We need to learn from history not try and pretend it didn’t happen.

Anne Frank’s house in Amsterdam is a very moving place to visit even despite all the tourists. We queued for hours but it was worth it. Her diary is amazing because she was such a very ordinary girl living through such an unimaginable time.

The Nazis also targeted the disabled because they were considered inferior also when Otto Frank had Anne's diary published he edited it a lot because he didn't like what she wrote

Red England
AmbroseClan, I’m so sorry that yr Aunt went through such terrible things but so glad that she has managed to live a long & happy loving life. I’m sure her family, you included, mean the world to here. I find it hard to believe that countries still fight each other after all the horrors we all now know happened during World War II.

AmbroseClan, Your great aunt was a very strong woman to survive such horror and degradation. The resilience of her human spirit is truly awe inspiring.

Sakeer Ali
The atrocities done by current Jewish state called Isreal is also need to be accounted for.

kit kat
AmbroseClan, ohhh how very sad.and a very dark time for All of God's people much Love respect for your aunt

William, shes not that sorry. Shes still refusing to release the millions of documents , tapes & videos they hold on the horrendous tortures of the victims.

I read the book written by Anne Frank. I got very emotional.

HarleyMidgeyMom95., the CATHOLIC CHURCH were the ones that HELPED THE NAZIS ESCAPE to Argentina. But, that is not to say, that A FEW, may have seen THE MONSTROUS NAZIS & their Allies & Rebelled.

LoudManager44161, And the ones who deny the atrocities are the next perpetrators.

Player #43223203
Oh,it happened and my father was shot down over enemy line two times both times his mother was told he was a hero that died in the line of duty ,the second time he came back in a Nazi uniform just to get back .Then called his mother asap,all his siblings were praying and he got back alive my aunt was a nun and never stop praying ,war is truly hell.

Player #32567393
missy189, Cozzy 25,
Yes missy189, I complain too. It must have been horrific for her.

she faced a tough time but she was still positive.... something we need to do that in today's time

AmbroseClan, so sad

Player #30588275,
Nice to hear from a fellow Gerald Durrell fan. Love his work!

Megz B
missy189, book is great

LoudManager44161, rewriting history has been happening a lot this year in the USA.
We must remember such atrocities so that they may NEVER happen again.

AmbroseClan, confused. I thought only Germans did the tattooing, while you stated you Aunt was Indonesian and rapwd by a Japanese soldier, which would put her in the Pacific Theatre, not in the European one.

Such a sad story, but I'm glad Miep Geep (sp?) saved the diary and her dad had it published. Had she and Margot been able to hang on for a few more months...