Which American inventor is credited with the creation of the phonograph?
Correct answer: Thomas Edison

edsion stole other people's idead

Ken Jennings
Sheri L Turner, he had inventors working for him. He took credit for there work. In the case of the lightbulb he used other peoples patented ideas for the incandescent bulb. I think it was Westinghouse that perfected the lightbulb that Edison took credit for.

the part where it says he was a "businessman" is more accurate. Nikola Tesla's ideas were stolen by Edison and why he is often mistakenly credited for inventing electricity. He was an inventor but a unethical one at that.

demon34 45, Tesla had thousands of inventions! The Tesla coil which is in every television set, for instance. Why didn't he get dubbed the greatest inventor in history?! So sad. He wanted everyone to have free electricity is the main reason, I think.

Suggest reading biography of Nikoli Tesla..educate yourself on how Ben Franklin's discovery led to the wonderful life mankind has now

Angry Cuckoo
Tesla was more brilliant than Edison with his AC (alternating current) concept. Tesla died penniless and with no recognition. Edison had scientists like Tesla doing grunt work under him.

Player #2896791
FunkyMonkey, No one invented electricity, they discovered it

Thomas Edison was not an inventor. He was a con man who stole ideas from people much smarter than him (looking at Tesla). Edison was a marketer and nothing more:

Ken Jennings, ....This kind of thing happens all the time. My husband invented the back-up horn in the USA, and his boss got all the credit...and the bucks!

whats with the black n white comments. i sense some pot stirrers among us. ..totally irrelevant rude people everywhere

iyf iyfytyv
tesla, That's because he was a freemason

Not enough people acknowledge the importance of Nikola Tesla.

Giggle Pig
For those of you who have never worked, when you work for someone; when that someone pays you, everything that you do is owned by them. If you want to be mad at Thomas Edison, then you need to be mad at Walt Disney, whose name appears on every cartoon that he didn’t personally draw but does take credit for. Carl Barks is the real hero of the Walt Disney Studios.
Again if you do something while in the employ of any company, that company owns it.

Mobonguey, Marconi tried to dupe Edison but there is only one

Puma Girl
Ken Jennings, I can believe that.

yaba daba do
amazing comments about Tesla, did not know. thanks so much!

Probably the greatest inventor in American history.

Zimmy Zimberg
Similarly, Antonio Meucci developed the telephone.

right! my mistake!!

I keep trying to picture in my brain how the record turns sound waves into music and/ or voices. Not successful.

Player #130257916
Lulu, Also learn two, to, too

tesla, the also was involved in stealing Tesla's inventions. the government had Tesla killed. and one of our former presidents father was involved in that.

I answered Westinghouse to another question and I was right, but it said the correct answer was Edison. Thank you Ken for your comment.

Tesla promoted alternating current which can travel further through the wires than Edison's direct current. Edison put on a gruesome display to prove how dangerous ac could be. He chained an elephant to a metal pole and hooked up alternating current. Much like an electric chair, the elephant was electrocuted painfully.

tesla, wow I have just got educated more. nice all that has given views. thanks!

he probably stole it

Ken Jennings, ,,Telsa,,inventive ideas stolen by Edison, ,seems that Nikola Telsa was not in for the fame and money,,like Edison..,


Giggle pig
tesla, nope; not buying it.

Giggle pig
Mobonguey, no he didn’t.

One word... TESLA!

Let's not forget that he was also a raging antisemite.

Evil Gazebo, good ☝️ one! 😂

Player #38618593
To this day, if you invent something on company time using company resources, your invention belongs to the company. I can see the logic of that but the inventor should get credit and a hefty chunk of the profits!

How do we use the hints we collect?

Evil Gazebo
He's still smarter than all u guys

Player #49339450
Player #1224560 Lacr, i love these comments

Edison was not an inventor per se. Steve Jobs never learned to code. that's fine because technological development is a constant interchange of basic scientific research, invention, innovation and adaptation for mass market use. Promotion and is essential for adaptation and both Americans were genius at this as well as organization management and telling a story and intuitively knowing what works at a mass level. there is a genius for that as well

Player #35252176
Edison stole ideas from melenated people and because he was white and had money with other white men that stole off the plates of others.

Player #35885978
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