Yiddish is mainly a mixture of what two languages?
Correct answer: German and Hebrew

African isn't a language nor a country. in fact, the continent of Africa is the most culturally/linguistically diverse place on planet Earth.

African is not a language. Afrikaans is a language

Paul Rice, Yes it absolutely was proven. In fact, the Nazis would resent your denial of their “greatest” achievement. Denial is hateful, disrespectful and ignorant. Stop.

The first line in the Laverne & Shirley theme song was Yiddish.

I talk 2 languages, English and jibberish 😂

Yiddish is the best language. Such fun, punchy slang. Oy vat a mensh!

Player #3813778
Beestroe, A schlemiel is someone who is always spilling soup; a schlemazl is someone who is always having soup spilled on him; and a kibbitzer is the guy who stands around going "tsk, tsk!"

Oy veh! :)

cghow, I second that. I'm so tired of being asked if i speak African. or asked what country in South Africa do you come from. lord there is no hope for some.

Jews .. the most scapegoated people group in history.

grace ace
I didn't think I was going to get that but a guess I did

cghow, correct Africa isn't a country it's a continent , and African is not a language. Africa has many different countries with many different languages and dialects

Player #92723922
African? That's a continent, not a language.

German and Hebrew?!🫥

when I was growing up, my adopted mother uses that language when she talks to her friends on the phone which is the landline phone.

Brian, hahahaha! I love this!

Woman on Fire
cghow, Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse country in the world with over 840 different languages and 200 different dialects spoken throughout the country. As of 2021.

Montana Lady, Thankyou Montana Lady.

Wade, Mention Yiddish and I think of Fiddler On The Roof — great movie and musical!!!

Interesting.. I knew Hebrew was part of Yiddish but not a mixture with German. I'm sorry to hear that Yiddish almost went extinct. Preserve the languages of your ancestors the best you can!!

My husbands ancestors all spoke Yiddish. We are South African. We feel the loss of not knowing this passed generation, but their first hand loss during 2nd world war must have been so extreme. 85% extinguished 😳

Noma, I love to debate about almost every thing....debating is different thought and ideas..I love it..

Lady Wolf Moon
…and whatever the language of the country you’re in is…

cghow, Well said, but how is this related to the question about the Yiddish language?

African is not a language the fact that we still have to explain this in 2023 is crazy

Malithion, yep and on The Nanny pretty much used all the time . . . In every episode and hilarious too!

Beestroe, love that song . . . I still occasionally sing it!

cghow, good for you and MisunderstoodGoal380! They do put in answers that are false to try and trip up the guessers

oy gevalt! we gotta keep this shtick going with the goyim over owah HolocaustTM, or else there might actually be a shoah! 6 gorrilions, goyim! 6 kerchillions!

cghow, Proudly South African!!!!

Beestroe, neat! Never knew what they were saying at the beginning! Thanks for sharing.

IsraelisForever, I do speak English and German (not as good as English) however I can assure u that if you pay attention to Dutch speaking people you can understand most of it... Same for written Dutch, it's a mixture of English & German...

Ruby, yes and they are adding a 12th....

Incidentally,it's possible to do a degree in Yiddish at Oxford University

There are many Yiddish words in use in the English language such as chutzpah meaning a bit cheeky or gazump meaning to outdo someone when buying a house.Theres also schlep meaning to pull or drag around but it has so many other meanings! Then of course there's kosher which is so misused in TV programmes 😂 It actually means fit, so in Hebrew a gym is called a heder kasher,a fit room.

Player #26336711, Just because they can doesn’t always mean it’s a good idea

Emmanuela, languages that have their roots in Latin. Examples - French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian.

even I can speak malay,tamil,English,Vietnamese,Malayalam, hindi,

when I was a kid my grandmother and great aunt used to speak Russian Yiddish. of course icouldnt understand most of it but my mom taught me some.

that's a silly sounding word I don't like it bye