What was the name of the butler in the American TV show 'Hart to Hart'?
Correct answer: Max

their dog was named Freeway

I always said, "never invite these ppl to dinner or go to there house for dinner as SOMEONE always dies!"

I loved this show!

This was my all time favorite show when I was a teenager. I never missed an episode.

Player Foxymama1954
BroaderParallel9, His name was Lionel Stander , oddly enough he passed away @25 years ago today .

WHO THE HELL PLAYED MAX!!! !!! !!! !!!

that show was the best advertising for Mercedes Benz, ever.

Player #19718431, I loved the show but everytime I watched it, my mom would remark that R.W. got away with killing his wife.

Player #4042708
everything but we want to know - Lionel Stander was the voice of Max

loved this show. thought they were so good looking. their dog was named Freeway.

Player #34997468, They did at least one, maybe two TV movies after the show ended. Max was in one and looked just awful. He died shortly after that. So, if you haven't seen them, look for the movies.

jane083, I wasn't a teen but I loved the show

Player #118103951
And who played Max? Lionel Stander. (We share the same birthday.)

Love this show. Its now on tubi!!!!

Player #14844287
I believe his name was Lipnel Stander

Player #47171529
MOMMADOG, that disturbed me also.. way back in my mind.. Natalie Woods was too pretty and too sweet for anyone to have that type of anger.. I feel like making a movie about that whole scenario👛🤔

Player. Marilyn Lionel Stander played the part of Max.

Player #34997468
That was a great show. Loved the characters. Too bad Max died maybe they could have brought it back.

Player #16702581
SSM-W, I wasn't born yet for quite a few of these questions.. that is just how it is. History, icons, etc.

Guillermo Jr.
Max pronounced the word gorgeous as... "gah-jus"

Player Diver Dan
Lionel Stander

Player Diver Dan
No mention of 'Max's real name, Lionel Stander.
In real life he was married six times.

Wesley Wales
This should be a reboot

The written intro that Max says is wrong but close enough

Player. Ty
You would think they would mention his name.... Who played the part?

The opening narration later changed to "I take care of them, which ain't easy, 'cuz when they met, it was MURDER."

Worst acting tem ever.

I watched this as a young woman, it was really interesting.

Qiana The Yellow Ast
nancyinfernley, I

Player #6721629
Rosarosa I loved that show watched it every time Max and freeway wow

I loved that show

Player #4448392. J
I loved it too!!!

I was born in 1980. I have heard of the show

Zell. I am a female
used to watch it all the time