'Vespidae' is a family of what flying insects?
Correct answer: Wasps

Every natural thing on this earth has a purpose.

Knew this because of the Italian motor scooter, namely, the "Vespa".

GruffSecretAgent9936, right so a scooter is named after a wasp?

luckycatfay, I live in Wisconsin and it would be strange for us to have a window that doesn't have a screen on it screens keep all kinds of things out not just mosquitoes and bees hubbardston moths and butterflies batson

don't like wasps, cos they sting for the sake of it!

luckycatfay, better to install a mosquito screen in the window. I had it done 2 years ago and now I can open the windows without fear.

Yellow Jackets are the worse wasps! Their l atin name means diabolical wasp, they can chase you for 1/2 a mile and sting you multiple times. A bee can only sting you once then it dies.

baymax, yes, because of the sound it makes!

caliro, I would like to see them extinct. HATE THEM.

GruffSecretAgent9936, I learnt this as a child, my parents had a Vespa in the 60's

GruffSecretAgent9936, Did you know that the 3 wheeled Piaggio Ape is named after the bee?

* Seshati *
flowercat0523, oh thank you thank you I believe so too :)

flowercat0523, have you saw "The Matrix" movie, maybe humans is not one the.

I have such a phobia of them that I can't even read the blub above thanks for not showing a photo. They spoil my summer I don't open windows in case they fly in.