"Happy Trails to You" is a line from the theme song to which 1950s TV western series?
Correct answer: The Roy Rogers Show

One of my favorite TV shows when I was young.

I loved the show and Roy & Dale. Great values!

Roy Rogers was right all the time Mom

Keep Smiling On 'Till Then!

Player Dancing Lady
One of my favorite childhood shows.

Player #1111308
My opthalmologist looks like Roy Rogers. He had a very difficult life. I read his book.

Player #2822608
Player #2431249, so nothing that happened before you were born is relevant. Wow!

It was in Victorville CA we went in the 80s when we lived at George AFB so sad to hear it's not there. it was a magical Western experience. I'm sure his adoptive son and the rest of the family are taking care of Trigger. He was a huge and beautiful horse.

I really love the show.

Player #10244682
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I'm a little new to this game. I'm learning a lot, but still haven't learned what earning Stars means. Thanks.

How can you stuff an animal you once loved? I could not do that to any pet I ever had. Trigger has been stuffed and is at the Roy Rogers Museum. I wonder if a glass-eyed Trigger ever haunted his dreams...

Susan , his real name was leanard sly relates to lots of people in montana

Biggest thrill of my childhood was getting to sit on Trigger at the Grand National Horse Show in San Francisco… such a gentle animal😍😍😍

Player #39480220, Dale Evans horse was named “Buttermilk”

Mama Bear
Barbara, do not know where they have Tigger now a days....was in a museum at one time I believe

Player #76647850
love that show and also the other Characters are side kick Pat Butram and dog Bullet and Horse Trigger and Nelly Bell the Jeep

I live very close to his childhood home

Player #67967853
Player #39480220, I did.

Player #67967853
Stacy Schmidt , pat

finger slipped

One of my favorite shows growing up in the 50&60's.

It was one of the closing songs the DJ would play at one of my clubs I worked at back in the days in TX. 😀

Love watching their reruns on TV! My daughter even got hooked on it. I have some of their books, and a beautiful record cover framed on my wall.

Player #31160565
I heard that they were CHRISTAINS & adopted a lot of kids.

Player #39480220
it was nice to meet him at his museum. he would just show up and greet people and take pictures with them.

And don't forget about his palomino horse, Trigger. Great people, great show.

Player #1952
and celt, a lot of ppl don't know is pronounced kelt.

Player #1952
Full n Fabulous, whatever that means

Player #12013743
PalestryaCelt7, Roy and I were born in the same county in Ohio. Not the same year though.😁

Full n Fabulous
Fvxgndbd my dhxhhzhsgsgsghshzhzhzhhzhzh

And once again, I knew that.