What name did the The Lone Ranger go by before becoming The Lone Ranger in the (1949- 57) American TV series?

Correct answer: John Reid

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What people think about it: 28 Comments
Sting Ray 69
Sting Ray 69
oh, boy do we need a lone ranger today.
there is a credible theory the Lone Ranger was a black US Marshall, Bass Reeves. He was appointed by the "hanging judge", Isaac Parker in 1879. He was hired to help clean up Arkansas and Indian Territory. Although he was not the first black US deputy Marshall he a very well known one. He is credited with 3,000 arrests.
SaltyWillOWisp96651, I have read about this from several sources. He usually rode with a man of the Cherokee nation because it was illegal for him to be on Indian lands without him.
"Return with me now to those thrilling days of yesteryear..."
Great hero show.
to bad we don't have heroes like that on TV anymore
Player #3813778
Player #3813778
It was the only role Clayton Moore ever wanted to play.
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
SaltyWillOWisp96651, from my understanding, he was indeed black and was the best there was. The "hanging judge" was the first in a number of judges appointed by President...Benjamin Harrison, I think? The nation was being ripped apart from lawlessness. Bands of outlaws wrre raiding farms, raping, murdering. Nothing could be done. Offenders thrown in jail would get busted out by their gang, and then the people would really suffer! So, a different tack was taken. The first case the new judge heard involved six men who had a long history of terrorizing the public. No problem, they assumed--they would get busted out soon enough. Only the judge didn't afford them the opportunity. He sentenced them to death by hanging and ordered the execution to take place immediately. It did.
I wholeheartedly agree with you SaltyWillOWisp and your sharing of the exploits of Boss Reeves!! Thank you because as a boy born in 1956 I watched Lone Ranger enthusiastically n now as a 65 year old man reading your poignant facts of the hanging judges makes me feel really proud of A REAL man who the show depicts Thanks again
My Grandpa was friends with Ed Ames, and Raquel Welch and Shirley Temple too 🤗
Bass Reeves spent most of his time in the Indian Territory (today's Oklahoma), because there was no law enforcement and criminals flocked there. Because the territory was not technically American soil, US Marshalls could not ride there without a Native American translator and guide. So Bass rode with a NA companion a lot of the time. This gives even more credence to the truth that The Lone Ranger was really Bass Reeves. Imagine if they had broken barriers and used a black actor, what that would have meant to little black children of the '50s and '60s.
Tonto was identified in several Lone Ranger stories as a member of the Patawatomi people. "Tonto" is the Patawatomi word for "wild one." Tonto was principled, virtuous and fiercely loyal." Info from Brittanica.com.
Player #24358685, Some players really muddy the water with inconsequential information.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Player #3813778, Clayton Moore had been an actor years before that TV show. I've seen him in several movies.
Player #24358685, Thank you. That's good to know, and makes so much sense given how much we know about how the west was actually won.
SaltyWillOWisp96651, I think they should redo this question.
Buster the Magic Clown, The actor's name was Clayton Moore. John Reid is the Lone Ranger's "civilian" name. The blurb above is not very clear.
I have read a lot of old West history, and I think Bass Reeves was likely the inspiration for the lone ranger. I also think that because of the prejudices of the time that they used a white person to portray him, Bass was definitely a great hunter of men.
Boy we need a lone ranger today!
Player #22892779
Player #22892779
my dad would listen to the Lone Ranger on the radio at my grandmother house she only got 2 tv channels if she was lucky so they listened to the radio alot I heard the lone ranger on the radio early 1970s my boys saw him on DVD and they would go everywhere telling everyone I'm the Lone Ranger and I'm Tonto they even had toy cap guns that was 2003 boy I miss those days
Player #19937195
Player #19937195
"Tonto" means something negative in Spanish. I hope it means something positive in Native American.
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
SaltyWillOWisp96651, Okay, I wrote off the cuff about Parker's first trial and got bit. Eight were sentenced to hang, and they wrre executed a few months later. The biggest problem with law enforcement there at that time was corruption,allowing criminals to bust out. Parker requested he be appointed to Arkansas/Indian Territory because he wanted to clean it up. Incidentally, Parker only sentenced to death about 160 of 8,500 convictions . He explained in an interview that his hands were tied due to compulsory death sentences for certain crimes, and that he personally believed that the death penalty should be abolished. But the theoretical inspiration for the Lone Ranger was indeed Sass.
Tonto was not a "Native American", he was a brave from the Potowatomi Nation. We are proud of who we are and do not want to be part of the political correct elites' definitions.
Player #8755851
Player #8755851
SaltyWillOWisp96651, Are you sure you are with the fact that I have been trying to get known.Many do not want to hear about this
Player #8755851
Player #8755851
I agree with you
Garnetchick1957, the story goes that the lone rangers nephew Dan Reid had a son named Bret Reid better known has the Green Hornet
Garnetchick1957, 7am daily on cozy tv
I wish I would have been around to see that show