Which American mountain range contains the volcano Mount St. Helens?
Correct answer: Cascade Range

A young film journalist was trying to record the eruption, and though stationed at a great distance was killed by the pryroclastic emission. This due to the fact that the emission erupted from the side of the mountain instead of the top cone as expected. 1/2 of the mountain collapsed.

Player #2064887
EliteLawyercat57024, I remember that. I had to go to school on Saturday to make up for all the time lost. Not like now, snow days every other day

Lady V
The before and after pictures are still very impressive to see.

I played in the ash and had to wear a mask. It's a beautiful mountain, I am blessed to see the volcano on my drive home everyday.

EliteLawyercat57024, the devastation is very much visible today. verry impressive!!

I lived in Spokane, at the time....never truly expecting that it would affect us. So wrong!

Like the Eagle sang, in a "New York minute" everything can change! Thank you Jesus for your loving sacrifice, that if we accept it, we'll be ready to "leave here" in a split second...straight into heaven with you!! We don't REALLY LIVE, until we are READY to die!!

I was in Church when she blew.We had a hard time getting home
We lived in Gleed .Our friend had a crying baby.We were not allowed to go outside at
School was out for a long time.It was scary.You would have to live through it.To Understand what it was. To live through it
Black darkness at 10:00 am.and more ash coming down.like areal bad snow storm.traveling out of Naches and around town. not fun.the mount has a big huge hole in her. the devation that went along with it.There was Harry Truman
Died with the Mountain.E every one tried to get him off the mountain.He was not coming off.and others died from it also.May 18.1980 is a day we will never forget

Ooma, my ex used to live in Beaverton

KTI6, Beaverton OR, got 1-2 inches. My 2 year old daughter asked if it was snow.

Calliope, I lived in Beaverton, OR, and was surprised it reached us so well!

Not to mention the massive ash cloud that covered hundreds of miles around it. My friend was living in Spokane at the time and remembers coming out to find his street and car under about 5 inches.

Player #2064887? đŸ˜shannon

I lived in Casper Wyoming and worked as a cab dispatcher from 6 pm to 6am. I outside somewhere between 5.30 and 6 am, looked up and saw this unusual phenomenon...to the east baby blue dawn..to the west in a perfect arc black... went home slept...woke up to find my car covered in ash...over 1000 miles away... anyone further east (i.e.New York...London?) find ash on your? just curious.

Dodge Girl
moonstar, I used to live in Portland, about 50 (omg) years ago, was beautiful!

It was an amazing site, lived about 25 miles away