On "M*A*S*H" (the TV series), what is the name of Colonel Potter's beloved horse?
Correct answer: Sophie

It was a great series, one of my favorites!!!

I liked the early years best. trapper and Henry were my favorite characters.

:(Nancy E):
My 14 year old Grandson started watching MASH with me a few years back and went home to tell his parents that Grandma found this great new show. My daughter got quite a kick out of that. It was quite racy for its time, but now it’s so tame compared to what passes for entertainment these days.

The final episode had me bawling like a baby!

I had the early episodes practically memorized. Like all long running series, the writers do seem to get weary toward the end.

Rev Dok BMH 1
Loved every episode.

missy189, well, what are you waiting for!??!!!! It has to be on Netflix or something, it is truly a great show!!

He actually gives her away in one episode. For the noblest of reasons. And then he gets her back!

Such an awesome episode when Radar gives the horse to him..."that's a tiptoe through the tulips". MASH fans will get that reference!

Mary J.
my father in law served in Korean conflict for 3 years, how he hated this show. He said it was nothing like that. I loved the show though, it was good.

watch it everyday on METV

Harry Morgan was one of my favorite actors, and I loved Colonel Potter! His relationship with Radar, his decency, and his love for wife, horse, and country made him so special.

shanbe, it airs twice a day on MeTV

loved mash

chigirl70, keep the chickens quiet,,

shanbe, it is on Netflix. I watch it all the time.

Player JD
Spacey17, that would be Klinger and Radar

Player #38814606
that was a very sad episode.

Player #22066206
great show! I watch it on hulu.

shanbe, it's on METv with double episodes Sunday through Friday.

This was one of my most favorite series. The last episode I cried for a week and I could not go out of the house. I named one of my pet Russian Tortoise Radar.

Player #20136064
spearchucker actually did appear early in the series but it was only a bit part. I'm not sure how many times but it wasn't very many

Spacey17, loved the ones with Frank Burns & all the jokes Hawkeye & BJ played in him.

Player alex
spearchucker Jones was on the Movie MASH, not the series. Would be he'll to pay if a show used it these days

It was a great series. Smart move, McLean Stevenson. How did Hello Larry work out for you?

This is my all-time favorite
show, not only me but my
school friends. a group of us
got together to watch the finale, Goodbye, Farewell, Amen. we loved it.

I loved that show

Another answer said it was episode # 256

beatlesfan1, I am a 50 year Beatle fan...

OzzMan715, so since he was against senseless killing he is socialist?

Another one that was hiding in my subconcious.

shanbe, they took it off Netflix years ago. Sad day. lol

Sophie was also male in the first episode