What color blazer is presented to the Masters golf winner?
Correct answer: Green

I tried hitting a bucket of golf balls at a driving range once. Everyone to the right & left of me had to duck for cover as not a single ball went straight ahead like it was supposed to do.

i dont like golf either, but i remember watching "Happy Gilmore" with Adam Sandler, and that's how you do it ppl. jk lol

Sadly, golf is very boring to me so i never would have known lol

I live in Augusta and have worked at the course. These people here take golf seriously. The course is so beautiful and very secluded

I felt the same way, but after playing 9 holes (half a game), not counting the times I missed the ball (called whiffs - and each is legally supposed to be added to your score), walking all over the course (but mostly side to side), I realised that pro golfers are strong, dedicated, talented - and I am not! They make it look easy. It isn't. Now I enjoy watching

Tanehowl, When you get old (er) & don't sleep well, watching boring golf on TV is an excellent sleeping pill.

Player #6154162
only know this because of Happy Gilmore

green like the grass... i guessed wrong again

Player #1878545
What is wrong with the first smart 6 fellows on top? Golf is not boring. Since Tiger Woods and Phil Nicholson came to the game, it's been exciting ever since.

Player #14451529
Montana Lady, l love watching paint dry!!!

I don't know how to play golf

me for now
I only got it right because I was able to decipher the word. I know nothing about golf and am happy.

Adalyn pond
You guys are lying I gotta right

DeeDee , yup

I knew this because I watch the Masters every year.

BroncoR888, Something with me. only I was in the field by a school. My husband refused to try and teach me anymore.

I'd rather sit at the bar 🍸 🙄 and enjoy myself! It's hot and often humid on the course and unless you are in great shape, all that walking can be a real downer! Plus, I don't have the patience for it. When I play I like there to be a lot going on, action!

Watching golf is about the same level of entertainment as snooker, darts, or beard growing.

I'm doing terrible on these sets of questions.
I don't think I would be good in golf. I always miss when I swar at a fly. Am always either to th right or left of the fly.

Lionessa, NOT fun to play! Ich!

lily leclaire
BroncoR888, practice practice practice

BroncoR888, it's not as easy as it looks

BroncoR888, 😆

BroncoR888, Last time I played eighteen holes, I shot a sixty-seven. I didn't do quite as well on the second hole...

I tried to write green but once i used one e, I didn’t have another one….

my mom used to live in Augusta and worked at the golf course she loved it

Lmathis98, I watched golf with my husband & because he would get so excited with a good shot, I learned to enjoy it. After watching for a while, I learned to appreciate the players abilities.

Player #1878545, Amazingly borong, as you well know

I took up golfing in high-school...after the semester I quit...FOUR!!!

I had no idea, but I was able to figure it out from the number of letters.

BrinyEggman2405, that’s how I knew the answer … bc of that movie!! Love Happy Gilmore!!

Watching golf is like watching paint dry….

Player #99294542
my grandpa used to be a professional golfer, but then he got married, and my grandma didnt want to travel around a lot for the tournament's. so he stopped.

beer city snake
Haha... pictured is an Iron on the putting green

I live here. Most of us have avoided that area because of the traffic jams and crowds. However, recently The Masters has spent a lot of money improving it. They have been buying up property right and left and made tunnels underneath the main road (Washington Road) to ease the traffic congestion and make it safer for its customers. Unfortunately, businesses who have depended on the economic boost during that week are now seeing declines in sales and having to adjust.

Stay Classy
The game of golf is one of the most relaxing stressful games ever invented.!

The Chaser
I live in Augusta, Georgia. Traffic is always terrible during Masters week!

Joyous one
Guillermo Jr., Actually I think it looks like the club they hand you at mini golf joints

Bubba Watson & his wife adopted their baby the week he won his green jacket. I named a pudding shot recipe after him!

Player #32543330
Most US folks nowadays are better off sitting on the couch and watching someone else attempt feats of physical activity like golf, mowing grass, washing a car, etc.