Is an Iceberg mover a true profession?

Correct answer: Yes

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player kdsr/lte
Player kdsr/lte
So they don’ t actually “Move” the iceburgs, jusy monitor & alert ships to their location ? If that’s tge case; they aren’ t movers, but monitors— right ?
Tara Ditto
Tara Ditto
Player kdsr/lte, Where is it said they are not moved? Take into a count being in water, they aren't even that heavy!
Player #143349147
Player #143349147
All these true or false questions end up being true.
i mean, yeah, who moves iceberg but ocean current and its melting bec of climate change.. duh....
Destino Manifesto
Destino Manifesto
They are able to move smaller icebergs with a type of tugboat. They monitor the ones too large to be moved.
Player #107518
Player #107518
she is right. no one moves anything.
MarkandKaren Reading, I figuted it had to be true because it was so odd.