How many bones are there in the human body at adulthood?
Correct answer: 206

Laudy Miss Claudy
When I taught anatomy I told my students that they would have to learn the names of all the bones in the body they crindged. Then I told them that they only had to remember half of them for the test and that made them all happy.

I have 2 extra ribs, a son has an extra disc in his spine, a cousin has extra toes: I don't think it is due to an 'accident ' unless an accident of genealogy!?

Laudy Miss Claudy, but which half 😂

PC, hence the word sometimes.

I use hint I know but my brain is dumb 😩

A lot of the bones are in the feet!

Oops I mean Excellent!

I would Have Remembered them all. I don't know them but maybe now is the time to learn them all. I have an Excellant memory I dont know why. I learned the P. table in 2 hours one night. well the 1st 85 anyways!

Laudy Miss Claudy, I remember having to draw a skeleton and label the bones in my A&P class. Yikes!

Amreen Nasir
it is the question of class 5th can't believe that so many ppl did it wrong

player #1351768, you are disgusting and your comment should be deleted!!!