In which year did the Dallas Cowboys win their first Super Bowl?
Correct answer: 1972

docbarb, Greenbay has never hosted a superbowl

docbarb, the game in greenbay wasn't a superbowl game

Player #10601929
The Miami dolphins went undefeated in 1972

coldest was at Greenbay

I like the Dallas Cowgirl's too...

Vin Wylder
That was the first of 3 straight trips to the Super Bowl for the Dolphins. Also the year before Miami went undefeated & beat the Redskins in the Super Bowl.

Loved Landry, Cowboys and Cowgirls.

#1DallasCowboysfan4 , If you were a Detroit Lions fan and waiting for that till you go, you might live forever!😂

I was a huge fan of Lance Alworth and he was traded to Dallas from San Diego. That year 1972 I was thrilled to see them win so he could have a Super Bowl ring which he would never have won with the Chargers.

Player #37211722
Green Bay all the way!

Been a die hard fan since I was 15 and at almost 68 I still love my Boys. But dang it is time for them to win it again--at least before I kick the bucket.