"GPS" is a space-based radionavigation system, what does it stand for?
Correct answer: Global Positioning System

This is a great invention, but I'm of an age where I learnt to map read. GPS is brilliant, but you should always be aware of where it's taking you as it's not foolproof. I have 2 atlases on my car at all times.

One time we were lost in the country, GPS couldn’t find the way. A real paper map finally did the job. Technology is great— when it works. It’s always good to know basic skills for times when the “lights go out”.

Big Brother is watching you

I use this every day

I actually remember days before GPS was so prevalent. I still like actual maps☺

I would be literly lost without GPS.

Dennis Holsonback
I myself use the system most everyday and love the idea. However, I did learn to read and use maps and do not rely totally on the GPS system as it's not foolproof.

Player Pugsley's Mum
Interesting. Now that I live in England, I call it SAT NAV, as they do here.

I had no idea it had been around for so long. Great information

Made our life more easy and lazy. We don’t think or memorize any more

susan, would fall off and blow away.

Raphus, I see that Red Sea Diver said that they kept their atlas on their car. Maybe they made a typo and meant in their car. otherwise, yea, the atlas woukd dall off and blow away. lol.

Troyce, I don't know about US schools teaching map reading. Haven't heard of it. I took a map reading class taught by The Sierra Club, here in US. I was an adult and it was in the 1990s.

RedSeaDiver69, superb.

UniqueWillOWisp57380, no he is not

my dad is old school he talks to the GPS.

انا عقرية☺️

I remember when I was a kid in the 90s sat in the passenger seat holding the map while my mum drove the car. loved those road trips

I want questions about bts

Hilya Binthu Hassan
Player #108566126, for this game

Hilya Binthu Hassan
stblink86, but not me

I've never in my life used an actual map to get around. I doubt most people my age have! I'd love to learn but it's not very practical at this point — I'm not even sure where to get a map!! I think I'll take the advice of the other people on here and look into it. I do want to point out that it's interesting how the origins of many modern luxuries were the result of Military investments. Nuclear energy, GPS, satellites, duct tape, microwave, computers. Interesting!

I Thank You My God My Lord My Savior My Provider My Healer My Protector My Leader. I Thank You For Always Being Available Omnipresent. I Thank You For Keeping Me Alive Well Obedient & Powerful. Please Continue To Guide Me N Everything I Do, Every Place I Go & With People I Encounter. I Thank You For Making Sure I See My Daughter Ameenah Today N Jesus Amen.

RedSeaDiver69, thanks for the tip

Ukraniac, as a Architect studant, I totally agree that real papers are fundamental to locate in our Cities.

I don't know that the USA owns GPS satellite System.

Ooooo I actually lost....Give me easy questions ❓🤔

haa 🙄 so fun

I came to know this from my social studies book😂

Player #108566126
I used Google

We are losing our ability to use our own organic computer called the Brain.

I'm glad I have it. Don't want to get lost

Oops. I knowbthe answer but hit the wrong button

Scott, by using the 911 grid! I worked for a finance company and that is what we used!

RedSeaDiver69, do they even teach kids how to read maps anymore?

RedSeaDiver69, on your car !! do the atlases blow away when you drive off? I keep my atlases in my car

RedSeaDiver69, good idea, you are right you never know

Technology should be a convenience, not a crutch. A calculator is quick & helpful, but I like having the skill to use pencil & paper if necessary.

RedSeaDiver69, nicely done ✅

RedSeaDiver69, I also have an atlas in my vehicle because I will never forget when Google had me driving down a narrow one lane road in Arkansas where I had to cross a small Creek to get to my destination at night.